Support for relative paths to Doom Launcher with unmanaged files
Support for $iwad and $filename variable replacement
e.g. "-savedir $iwad/$filename/" using Doom2 and Eviternity would become "-savedir doom2/eviternity"
Support for So Doom, Inter-Doom, and Cherry Doom
Added Global Cumulative Statistics to include everything including IWads
Support search in IWad tab
Support for opening unmanaged rar/7z files and unmanaged directories (right click Open Archive)
Search text is remembered per tab
Auto-search is default with debounce for all tabs
Added shared write for unmanaged files that may be open in editors
Support search in source port window
Updated light theme to be much closer to the original Doom Launcher theme
Fix sizing for tag edit
Fix launch form to display filename in the title bar
Fix screenshot viewer to display total screenshots and current in title bar
Fix error handling when reading a bad zip file
Fix processing errors dialog that prevented OK button from being pressed
Cleaned up styling in cumulative stats for themes
Image backgrounds use theme style instead of black