“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”, Socrates
Prolog, Common Lisp & C code listings, resources et al for the 1819-2-E3101Q108 (Programming Languages) course @ Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
The repository is structured in laboratories (LAB-[Timestamp] format), projects (PROJ-[Name] format) and miscellaneous directories (gists, playgrounds and whatnot).
echo(out, 'Hello World!').
1 ?- echo(out, X).
X = 'Hello World!'.
- The Prolog Dictionary: A comprehensive reference for SWI-Prolog (ISO & Edinburgh).
- The Prolog Wikibook: An essential and quick reference/primer for anyone delving into Prolog for the first time.
- Prolog Syntax and Semantics
- Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence - Ivan Bratko
- The Art of Prolog - Leon Sterling
- Prolog - Wikibook
- Learn Prolog Now
- Power of Prolog
- SLD Resolution: How does Prolog resolve queries? Selective Linear Definite clause resolution!
- Tail Call Optimization (TCO): How does Prolog optimize recursive rules? Unrolling the rule into a loop whenever
- Efficiency of Prolog
(defun hello-world () (format t "Hello World!"))