This repository contains a few tools designed to make working in Nubis account
a bit simpler. The main tool is nubis-ctl
which is what this README will
discuss. There are some additional tools in the /bin
directory which are
documented there.
There are a number of options for installing this tool as it is released on github. The method I will demonstrate here will use git and a symlink. Feel free to use another method if you desire.
First, navigate an appropriate location on your file-system. Next, clone the repository and check out the most current release (tag). Hint: Check out the release version badge at the top.
git clone
cd nubis-ctl
git fetch --tags
git checkout vX.X.X
Using this method makes it quite simple to upgrade in the future.
Simply git fetch origin
and git checkout vX.X.X
. (Replacing 'X.X.X' with the
new version number.)
The next step is to get this file located somewhere on your path. There are
countless ways to accomplish this, but I will show you my favorite method and
the one I personally use. I simply create a symlink into my users ~/bin
directly. It is not important where you simlink it, the location simply needs
to already exist in your PATH. Check your path by echo $PATH
. Then :
ln -s /path/to/nubis-ctl ~/bin
The tool is basically a wrapper script around tools which have been baked into Docker images containing all of the necessary dependencies. The commands will download container, when necessary, and pass options into them . Lets get started with an example.
All of the commands have help:
nubis-ctl --help
nubis-ctl builder --help
nubis-ctl deploy --help
As you can see this tool uses the common nested command structure. Each level in the nest accepts options (--help) and commands (plan).
Almost every project will be building an AMI for their application. From the top level of your project run the following command:
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder build
If you are having trouble building your AMI you can build in debug mode. In debug mode you will be asked at every step in the build process to hit [enter] to continue.
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder debug
After roughly five steps you will see the source instance launching and then a few IP addresses. Do not hit enter at this point. It will look similar to this:
==> amazon-ebs-centos: Launching a source AWS instance...
==> amazon-ebs-centos: Adding tags to source instance
amazon-ebs-centos: Adding tag: "Name": "Packer Builder"
amazon-ebs-centos: Instance ID: i-07ee9771638e5f303
==> amazon-ebs-centos: Waiting for instance (i-07ee9771638e5f303) to become ready...
amazon-ebs-centos: Public DNS:
amazon-ebs-centos: Public IP:
amazon-ebs-centos: Private IP:
==> amazon-ebs-centos: Pausing after run of step 'StepRunSourceInstance'. Press enter to continue.
At this point, you will find a .pem file in the project directory. Using the
Public IP
address and pem file, you can SSH to the instance.
A few Notes:
- The username during builds is
. - The pem file name varies based on the type of instance (RHEL|Ubuntu).
- This uses
insecuressh options to avoid writing temporary host keys to ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i ec2_amazon-ebs-centos.pem [email protected]
When you are finished working on the instance, simply press [enter] in the build terminal until the instance terminates. This is necessary (vs. ^c) to make sure the build instance is not left running in the account, spending money.
As the commands are all simple wrappers around other commands, you have the full flexibility of all the underlying commands. To explain this, lets take a complex example and break it down into its component parts:
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder --debug --copy-regions "us-east-1,us-west-2" build --instance_type c3.large --packer-options debug
The first part of the command nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder
nubis-ctl, passes in the account name to work in and invokes the nubis-builder
docker container.
The next part of the command contains the options and a command for the
nubis-builder container. Namely
--debug --copy-regions "us-east-1,us-west-2" build
which tells the container
to run in debug mode for lots of verbose output. Then tells it that I want
copies of my AMI in two regions and finally invokes the build command.
The final portion of the command passes options to the nubis-builder code
itself. --instance_type c3.large --packer-options debug
In this example we are
defining a much larger instance size to speed up the build and passing an
option to Packer, instructing it to build in debug mode. Interestingly this
is the exact same way we get into debug mode in the previous section, it is just
hidden behind a sprinkle of magic there.
While this might look a bit complicated at first, it is actually not all that difficult when you break it down. You just need to remember what scope you are in. One final note, all of these commands and sub-commands have built in help. I'll quickly illustrate getting help at each level to illustrate the point:
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training help
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder help
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training builder build help
Under the hood we use Terraform for deployments. The deploy command is really
just a hook into Terraform. This means that all of the commands you are familiar
with can be passed directly to nubis-ctl deploy
nubis-ctl --account nubis-market deploy (plan|apply|destroy|outputs|help)
I will mention that this tool also has a command for working with accounts. This is a sub-command of the deploy command. As this is not a common task I will be quite brief.
nubis-ctl --account nubis-training deploy account help
Hopefully that got you where you need to be. If you run into any issue or have any trouble feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help and are quite interested in improving the project in any way we can. We are on in #nubis-users or you can reach us on the mailing list at nubis-users[at]