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=== WP Camp Webring ===
Contributors: kau-boy, nullbyte
Tags: comments, spam
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.6.1
Stable tag: 0.3.10
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

We want to start a webring of people who attend the wpcamp in germany. Like it's 1997.

== Description ==

On the way back from the WordCamp Europe we thought about the community of the WordCamp in Leiden. And the german community will also have a wpcamp this year. So we decided to start an interlink between the people who attend this event. And we choosed the idea of a [Webring]( "Wikipedia page for webring") because nobody used it currently and it is the eaiest way to get pages conntected. If you want to join go to the profile page at wpcamp and fill out the field "Webring URL" which should be the WordPress blog you are using with the webring plugin. You will then be included in one of the next updates of this plugin. 

== Installation ==

1. Upload the content of the plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

You will get the webring in the footer of your blog.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Wie kann ich mitmachen? =

Wenn du am Webring teilnimmst kannst du in [deinem Profil auf]( die URL des Blog, der am Webring teilnehmen soll, in das neue Profilfeld "Webring URL" eintragen.

== Changelog 

= 0.3.10 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.9 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.8 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.7 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.6 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.5 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.4 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.3 =
* Fixing missing semicolon in CSS file

= 0.3.2 =
* using times for font-family as arial, helvetica is not showing the left arrow in Chrome on Android and iOS
* adding new URLs

= 0.3.1 =
* adding new URLs

= 0.3 =
* First stable release in the WordPress SVN repository

= 0.2 =
* several changes to improve performace
* code to make sure that your current blog url is not used for prev and next link

= 0.1 =
* initial version


No description, website, or topics provided.






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