pip install pyrefox
from pyrefox import Pyrefox
pf = Pyrefox()
# show local Firefox profiles
for profile in pf.profiles:
# show bookmarks of the latest updated profile
for bookmark in pf.profiles[0].bookmarks:
Dump bookmarks into a Markdown document
from collections import defaultdict
from html import unescape
from pyrefox import Pyrefox
from pyrefox.models.enums import BookmarkType
pf = Pyrefox()
# get all the bookmarks
bookmarks = {b.id: b for b in pf.profiles[0].bookmarks}
links = defaultdict(list)
# make a dict to group the bookmarks by folder
for bookmark in bookmarks.values():
if bookmark.type == BookmarkType.BOOKMARK:
parents = list()
current = bookmark
# get the folder's path
while True:
if current.parent:
parent = bookmarks[current.parent]
parents.insert(0, parent.title)
current = parent
path = '/'.join(filter(None, parents))
'title': bookmark.title,
'url': bookmark.place.url,
'descr': bookmark.place.description,
with open('links.md', 'w') as f:
for path, bookmarks in sorted(links.items()):
f.write(f'# {path}\n\n')
for b in bookmarks:
# don't write description if it's the same as the title
descr = unescape(b['descr']) if b['descr'] and b['descr'] != b['title'] else ''
f.write(f'- [{b["title"]}]({b["url"]}) {descr}'.strip() + '\n')