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This repository provides the NuoDB_ client library for ODBC. It is supported both on Microsoft Windows and on GNU/Linux (using unixODBC).

This driver uses the NuoDB C++ Driver to communicate with NuoDB.



Runtime Requirements

On GNU/Linux systems:

You will need to install the unixODBC library before you can run the driver.

On Debian/Ubuntu:

  sudo apt install libodbc1

On Red Hat/CentOS:

  sudo yum install unixODBC

On Windows systems:

Windows already provides the ODBC infrastructure.

In order to register (and deregister) the driver with the Windows ODBC system, you can use the .\etc\nuoodbc.bat file to update the Windows registry. You must have administrator privileges to install/uninstall.

To install the driver use:

  .\etc\nuoodbc.bat install [<dll>]

If <dll> is given it should be the fully-qualified pathname to the NuoODBC Driver DLL file. If not given it will be assumed to be ..\bin\NuoODBC.dll from the location of the nuoodbc.bat file.

To uninstall the driver use:

  .\etc\nuoodbc.bat uninstall

And to check the status of the currently-installed NuoODBC driver (if any) use:

  .\etc\nuoodbc.bat status

Building the Driver

The NuoDB ODBC driver can be built on GNU/Linux and on Windows.

You will need NuoDB 4.1.1 or above to build the driver. You can build using either the NuoDB database package or with the NuoDB client package.

Install Prerequisites

To build the NuoDB ODBC driver you will need some prerequisites installed on your system, that are not needed to use the driver.

GNU/Linux Prerequisites

To build the driver on GNU/Linux you will need these packages:

On Debian/Ubuntu systems:

  sudo apt install build-essential cmake unixodbc-dev

On Red Hat/CentOS systems:

  sudo yum install make gcc gcc-c++ cmake unixODBC-devel

If you want to build the unit tests, you may install the googletest package from your package manager. If it is found on the system then the build will use it: if it is not found then the GoogleTest source will be downloaded from GitHub.

On Debian/Ubuntu systems:

  sudo apt install googletest

Windows Prerequisites

To build the driver you will need to install Microsoft Visual Studio or other C++ compiler. The build has been tested with Visual Studio 16 (2019).

You must install the ATL and MFC modules in Visual Studio.

You will need to install the Windows Software Development Kit.

You will also need to install CMake.

Configure the Driver

Use cmake to configure the driver. We test using a separate build directory. On GNU/Linux you might use:

  cd nuodb-odbc
  mkdir obj
  cd obj
  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=dist [...]

On Windows you must choose 64bit. You might use:

  cd nuodb-odbc
  mkdir obj
  cd obj
  cmake -A x64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=dist [...]

where [...] are any variable settings as below.

  • -DNUOCLIENT_HOME=<dir> : (default $NUOCLIENT_HOME) Path to the NuoDB Client installation.
  • -DNUODB_HOME=<dir> : (default $NUODB_HOME) Path to the NuoDB Database installation.

If both are found then NUOCLIENT_HOME will be preferred. If neither is set then on GNU/Linux /opt/nuodb will be used and on Windows C:\Program Files\NuoDB will be used. If none of these exist cmake will fail.

  • -DBUILD_TESTING=<bool> : (default ON) Build the unit tests or not.
  • -DGOOGLETEST_SRC=<dir> : (default /usr/src/googletest) Path to a local GoogleTest installation. If not found and testing is enabled, the source for GoogleTest will be downloaded from GitHub.
  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<dir> : (default /usr/local on GNU/Linux or C:\Program Files\NuoODBC on Windows) Where to install the driver.

These extra configure options are available on GNU/Linux:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<type> : (default RelWithDebInfo) The build type; choose one of Debug, RelWithDebInfo, Release, MinSizeRel.
  • -DODBC_INCLUDE=<dir> : (no default) Use <dir> to locate unixODBC header files. By default they are searched for in standard system locations.
  • -DODBC_LIB=<dir> : (no default) Use <dir> to locate unixODBC libraries. By default they are searched for in standard system locations.

Build the Driver

After configuration has completed you can build the driver and/or unit tests. On GNU/Linux use:

  cmake --build .

Or, run make directly.

On Windows use:

  cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo

If you want to install as well you can add the --target install option. Note, you must install if you want to run the unit tests.

NOTE Windows installation only copies files: it does not register the driver; see Runtime Requirements above.

Running the Tests

To run the unit tests you must be able to connect to an existing NuoDB Admin Process via the nuocmd script, which must be on your PATH, so that the test scripts can create a test database.

The test database will be named NuoODBCTestDB. If a database named NuoODBCTestDB exists it will be deleted! by the test scripts, so beware.

Testing on GNU/Linux

To run the tests on GNU/Linux use:

  ./etc/ <instdir> <testexe>

where <instdir> is the directory used with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during the configuration (e.g., obj/dist), and <testexe> is the unit test to be run (e.g., obj/test/NuoODBCTest.exe).

Testing on Windows

The test script will use the nuoodbc.bat script to install the newly-built driver into the Windows registry (see Runtime Requirements above). This will replace any existing NuoODBC Driver configuration in the registry.

To run the tests on GNU/Linux from the nuodb-odbc source directory, use:

  .\etc\runtests.bat <instdir> <testexe>

where <instdir> is the directory used with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during the configuration (e.g. obj\dist), and <testexe> is the unit test to be run (e.g., obj\test\RelWithDebInfo\NuoODBCTest.exe).
