1.2 The Breaking sysPass
Before a long time of efforts it's out, the new sysPass version is stable and ready.
Many thanks to all that people that contributed to improve and get it better!!
General improvements:
- Security improvements preventing common threats (SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF)
- Fully MVC allowing themes support
- Using PKI for forms passwords encryption
- Using TOTP for 2-factor authentication
- Export to sysPass encrypted XML file and import from popular formats
- API authorizations
- Custom fields to include some secure extra data
- New visual theme with Material Design Lite by Google
- 60% of code rewriting for improve performance and reusability (2x faster)
- Available languages: English, German, French, Hungarian, Catalan and Spanish
- And many more features
Test it, Share it!!
Working on: Debian 7/8, Ubuntu 14 LTS, CentOS 6/7 and Gentoo.
Upgrade info at http://wiki.syspass.org