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Github API for InterSystems Data Platforms


Import into any namespace and compile.


First create api object to interact with GitHub API (use valid GitHub Token if available):

Set api = ##class(GitHub.API).%New("<your token>")

After that you can query some GitHub APIs. For example to get info about all public repos in organization:

Do api.GetOrgRepos("intersystems-ru","public",.repos)

All availible API calls are listed in class documentation of GitHub.API class.

Some workflows to automate work with GitHub are availible in GitHub.Workflows class.


  1. Create repos.json file:
    "mirrors": [{
        "from": "intersystems-ru",  // owners: user or organization
        "to": "intersystems-community",
        "org": 1,                   // 1: if you want to mirror in organization owner. 0: if user owner.
        "repos": [
            "GitHubAPI"             // just repos name f.e. 'GitHubAPI'
    }, {
        "from": "user1",
        "to": "user2",
        "org": 0,
        "repos": [
  1. Set repos.json location in param, class GitHub.API. Parameter Directory = "C:/temp/mirror/"
  2. Set api = ##class(GitHub.API).%New("user","pass")
  3. Do api.Mirror()


Create task:

  • Task Type = RunLegacyTask
  • ExecuteCode = Do ##class(GitHub.API).UpdateMirrors()
  • Choose the right time to start the task

Some API method I want is not availible. What do I do?

Everyone is welcome to add methods or wokflows via pull requests.