This big project is academic. The main goal of the project is to manage IT infrastructure in the computer packs. It has been developed with Native Web Development Languages. The project is subdivided in two parts such as: Front-end and Back-end. In Front-end, all user interfaces are built using basic HTML and CSS to draw layouts, controls and JavaScript to make some feedback with users and HTTP requests to Back-end via Node.js. In Back-end, a simple Node.js API is developed to get and treat client requests. Express.js is used as a server to run this project. Note that data is stored in a remote Mongo Cloud Database hosted on Internet. The communication between Front-end and Back-end uses AJAX and data transfer uses JSON language.
The project is already hosted on web and can be accessible through the link below :
The project can be found via the link below :
This is the final result of the project :
👉 If you want to get project sources code, make sure to have NodeJs already installed in your machine. If it isn't the case, you can install it from nvm.
cd ~;\
sudo apt install curl;\
curl | bash;\
source ~/.bashrc;\
nvm --version;\
nvm install --lts;\
node --version;\
npm install yarn --global;\
yarn --version
git clone [email protected]:obrymec/it_infrastructure_manager.git it_infrastructure_manager/
Go to the root folder of the project sources and run :
yarn install
Go to the root folder of the project and run :
yarn start
Then, open your favorite browser and tap on the search bar, the following link :
Enjoy :)