New Features
- eb79d3c: feat: Update OTel to v0.79.0 (#1120) (@BinaryFissionGames)
- Notable enhancements:
- Added Apache Spark receiver
- Adding initial_delay to receivers to control when scraping interval starts (open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib#23030)
- The affected receivers are:
- active_directory_ds
- aerospike
- apache
- apachespark
- docker_stats
- elasticsearch
- googlecloudspanner
- iis
- memcached
- mongodb
- mysql
- nginx
- podman_stats
- postgresql
- rabbitmq
- riak
- sqlquery
- sqlserver
- vcenter
- windowsperfcounters
- The affected receivers are:
- Notable enhancements:
- 9207651: feat(M365receiver): Add Microsft 365 receiver (#1041) (@dpaasman00)
- e7f4330: feat: Support scripts for gathering os info, collector logs and collector config (#1111) (@shazlehu)
- a73542e: feat(plugin): Cockroachdb metrics and logs plugin (#1039) (@BominRahmani)
- de0ba04: Feat: OTTL expression support for count processors (#1119) (@BinaryFissionGames)
- a033706: deps: Dependabot Updates for 06-15-2023 (#1121) (@BinaryFissionGames)
- bd413ca: Bumped module versions to v1.27.0 (@cpheps)
- 489b0c4: Merge release v1.27.0 (#1122) (@BinaryFissionGames)