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Compiler: speedup json parsing, relying on Yojson.Raw (#1640)
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hhugo authored and OlivierNicole committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 3fc98c6 commit bcad8dd
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Showing 3 changed files with 87 additions and 44 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions compiler/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ let program ?(accept_unnamed_var = false) f ?source_map p =
let temp_mappings = ref [] in
let files = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let names = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let contents : string option list ref option =
let contents : Source_map.Source_content.t option list ref option =
match source_map with
| None | Some { Source_map.sources_content = None; _ } -> None
| Some { Source_map.sources_content = Some _; _ } -> Some (ref [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1781,7 +1781,13 @@ let program ?(accept_unnamed_var = false) f ?source_map p =
with Not_found ->
let pos = Hashtbl.length files in
Hashtbl.add files file pos;
Option.iter contents ~f:(fun r -> r := find_source file :: !r);
Option.iter contents ~f:(fun r ->
let source_contents =
match find_source file with
| None -> None
| Some s -> Some (Source_map.Source_content.create s)
r := source_contents :: !r);
, (fun name ->
try Hashtbl.find names name
Expand Down
113 changes: 72 additions & 41 deletions compiler/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,16 @@

open! Stdlib

module Source_content = struct
type t = Sc_as_Stringlit of string

let create s = Sc_as_Stringlit (Yojson.Safe.to_string (`String s))

let of_stringlit (`Stringlit s) = Sc_as_Stringlit s

let to_json (Sc_as_Stringlit s) = `Stringlit s

type map =
| Gen of
{ gen_line : int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +57,7 @@ type t =
; file : string
; sourceroot : string option
; sources : string list
; sources_content : string option list option
; sources_content : Source_content.t option list option
; names : string list
; mappings : mapping
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,97 +320,118 @@ let json ?replace_mappings t =
| Some map -> Build_path_prefix_map.rewrite map path
| None -> path
let stringlit s = `Stringlit (Yojson.Safe.to_string (`String s)) in
[ "version", `Float (float_of_int t.version)
; "file", `String (rewrite_path t.file)
[ "version", `Intlit (string_of_int t.version)
; "file", stringlit (rewrite_path t.file)
; ( "sourceRoot"
, `String
, stringlit
(match t.sourceroot with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> rewrite_path s) )
; "names", `List ( t.names ~f:(fun s -> `String s))
; "sources", `List ( t.sources ~f:(fun s -> `String (rewrite_path s)))
; ( "mappings"
, `String (Option.value ~default:(string_of_mapping t.mappings) replace_mappings) )
; "names", `List ( t.names ~f:(fun s -> stringlit s))
; "sources", `List ( t.sources ~f:(fun s -> stringlit (rewrite_path s)))
; "mappings", stringlit (Option.value ~default:(string_of_mapping t.mappings) replace_mappings)
; ( "sourcesContent"
, `List
(match t.sources_content with
| None -> []
| Some l -> l ~f:(function
| None -> `Null
| Some s -> `String s)) )
| Some x -> Source_content.to_json x)) )

let invalid () = invalid_arg "Source_map.of_json"

let string name rest =
let string_of_stringlit (`Stringlit s) =
match Yojson.Safe.from_string s with
| `String s -> s
| _ -> invalid ()

let stringlit name rest : [ `Stringlit of string ] option =
match List.assoc name rest with
| `String s -> Some s
| `Stringlit _ as s -> Some s
| `Null -> None
| _ -> invalid ()
with Not_found -> None

let list_string name rest =
let list_stringlit name rest =
match List.assoc name rest with
| `List l ->
( l ~f:(function
| `String s -> s
| `Stringlit _ as s -> s
| _ -> invalid ()))
| _ -> invalid ()
with Not_found -> None

let list_string_opt name rest =
let list_stringlit_opt name rest =
match List.assoc name rest with
| `List l ->
( l ~f:(function
| `String s -> Some s
| `Stringlit _ as s -> Some s
| `Null -> None
| _ -> invalid ()))
| _ -> invalid ()
with Not_found -> None

let of_json ~parse_mappings json =
let parse ~version rest =
let def v d =
match v with
| None -> d
| Some v -> v
let of_json ~parse_mappings (json : Yojson.Raw.t) =
match json with
| `Assoc (("version", `Intlit version) :: rest) when int_of_string version = 3 ->
let string name json = ~f:string_of_stringlit (stringlit name json) in
let file =
match string "file" rest with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> s
let file = string "file" rest in
let sourceroot = string "sourceRoot" rest in
let names = list_string "names" rest in
let sources = list_string "sources" rest in
let sources_content = list_string_opt "sourcesContent" rest in
let mappings = string "mappings" rest in
( { version
; file = def file ""
let names =
match list_stringlit "names" rest with
| None -> []
| Some l -> ~f:string_of_stringlit l
let sources =
match list_stringlit "sources" rest with
| None -> []
| Some l -> ~f:string_of_stringlit l
let sources_content =
match list_stringlit_opt "sourcesContent" rest with
| None -> None
| Some l ->
( l ~f:(function
| None -> None
| Some s -> Some (Source_content.of_stringlit s)))
let mappings =
match string "mappings" rest with
| None -> mapping_of_string ""
| Some s -> mapping_of_string s
( { version = int_of_float (float_of_string version)
; file
; sourceroot
; names = def names []
; names
; sources_content
; sources = def sources []
; mappings = mapping_of_string (def mappings "")
; sources
; mappings
, if parse_mappings then None else mappings )
match json with
| `Assoc (("version", `Float version) :: rest) when int_of_float version = 3 ->
parse ~version:3 rest
| `Assoc (("version", `Int 3) :: rest) -> parse ~version:3 rest
, if parse_mappings then None else Some mappings )
| _ -> invalid ()

let of_string s = of_json ~parse_mappings:true (Yojson.Basic.from_string s) |> fst
let of_string s = of_json ~parse_mappings:true (Yojson.Raw.from_string s) |> fst

let to_string m = Yojson.Basic.to_string (json m)
let to_string m = Yojson.Raw.to_string (json m)

let to_file ?mappings m ~file =
let replace_mappings = mappings in
Yojson.Basic.to_file file (json ?replace_mappings m)
Yojson.Raw.to_file file (json ?replace_mappings m)

let of_file_no_mappings filename =
of_json ~parse_mappings:false (Yojson.Basic.from_file filename)
of_json ~parse_mappings:false (Yojson.Raw.from_file filename)
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion compiler/lib/source_map.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

module Source_content : sig
type t

val create : string -> t

type map =
| Gen of
{ gen_line : int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ type t =
; file : string
; sourceroot : string option
; sources : string list
; sources_content : string option list option
; sources_content : Source_content.t option list option
; names : string list
; mappings : mapping
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