Ocean Observatories Initiative - User Interface Services
The WSGI service endpoints are listed and defined below: Active Routes for Listing:
Active Routes for specific item deployment inspection:
POST routes:
'title': 'test'
uFrame normalized routes:
Be sure to edit your ooiservices/app/config.yml
file to the correct URLs and Database Connectors.
Ensure you have the following:
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev
sudo apt-get install -y python-matplotlib
sudo apt-get install -y libhdf5-serial-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libnetcdf-dev
While in your virtualenv, run the requirement.txt file: pip install -r ooiservuces/requirements/dev.txt
Setup your PostgreSQL environment: install postgis...
Make sure you have the environment variables defiend:
python ooiservices/manage.py deploy --password <admin-password> --psqluser <postgres authorized user --production
--password is required
--psqluser is optional, default is postgres
--production will create the ooiuiprod database instead of ooiuidev and ooiuitest
Note: Only works on *nix systems. Windows users must create the desired database manually
and use rebuild_schema to deploy
Note: On all systems, rebuild_schema rebuilds the target schema within the active database connection
(in config.yml or config_local.yml) with the option to save the existing users,
add more admin user information, choose the target schema and schema owner.
If you attempt to deploy the database ooiservices/manage.py deploy
encounter an error "role postgres does not exist". You need to create the role
postgres. You can do so by
psql postgres
Ensure redis-server is installed, running and that the python env works
import redis
rs = redis.Redis("localhost")
Should yield a 'True' response
python ooiservices/manage.py runserver
celery worker -A ooiservices.app.tasks -B
Note: celery workers must be lauched in order to refresh the redis cache.
Remember to modify WSGI.py and app.ini to your specific installation environment
sudo mkdir /tmp/ooi-ui-services
sudo chown ooiui:nginx /tmp/ooi-ui-services
sudo chmod 755 /tmp/ooi-ui-services
Launch as a background process
uwsgi --ini app.ini &
Test your initial setup by running from ooi-ui-services directory:
python ooiservices/manage.py test
Verify you are getting data by using a web browser and navigating to:
This is the backend for the OOI UI