Form library built for hx
Note This project is currently in alpha and the API may change in future releases.
- Unopinionated when it comes to how form markup is structured
- Extendable
- Form state management only (bring your own styles)
- User friendly (Accessible & Intuitive)
Turning an HTML form into an hx-form requires wrapping the form in HXForm
and adding the hx-form keys to each form element you would like to track.
(ns app.core
(require [hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]])
;; HTML Form
[:form {:on-submit #()}
[:input {:type "text"}]
[:input {:type "submit"
:value "Submit"]]
;; HXForm
[:form {:hx/form {:on-submit #()}}
[:input {:type "text"
:hx/input {:field-key :sample-field}}]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]]}]
TODO Add documentation
(ns app.core
(require [hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]]
[hx-forms.validators :as v])
[:input {:type "text"
:hx/input {:field-key :sample-field
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter a value."}]}}]
TODO Add documentation
TODO Add documentation
TODO Add documentation
TODO Add documentation
hx-forms does not take a strong stance on how you choose to style your forms. There is some sample styles (same styles applied to the demo site) in hx-forms.styles.core
The following code samples are the pulled from the demo site.
(ns hx-forms-demo.core
[hx.react :refer [defnc]]
[hx-comp.base.text :as text]
[hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]]
[hx-forms.utils :as u]
[hx-forms.validators :as v]
[hx-forms.transformers :as t]
[hx-forms.formatters :as f]))
(defnc SimpleForm
{:title "Simple Form"
(str "None of the bells and whistles. Just a plain-old form.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formOne"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :email-one
:label "Email"}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc SimpleFormWithSimpleValidation
{:title "Enforcing requiredness"
(str "Doing more validation clientside can shorten the feedback loop and "
"improve the overall user experience. You can test requiredness by "
"either tabbing out of a requied field (blurring the field) or "
"submitting the form with the required field empty.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formTwo"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :email-two
:label "Email"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your email address."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc SimpleFormWithCustomValidation
{:title "Adding custom validation"
(str "Checking requiedness is a great first step, validating data is the "
"level. While the server should always validate data, the is no "
"reason the client can not also do the same to improve the feeback "
"loop and minimize frustration that is common in online forms. "
"Try entering an invalidly formatted email address in this "
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formThree"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :email
:label "Email"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your email address."}
{:validator v/simple-email
:error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc SimpleFormWithDefaults
{:title "Defaults"
(str "Defaults are of course a must, but to take them a step further, "
"they can be persisted across form resets or submission events.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formFour"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :email
:label "Email"
:default-value "[email protected]"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your email address."}
{:validator v/simple-email
:error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc SimpleFormatter
{:title "Masks & Formatters"
(str "Providing immediate error feedback is important, but preventing "
"users from ever entering invalid data is the next step.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formFive"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :color
:label "HEX Color"
:validators v/hex-validators
:formatters f/hex-formatters}
:type "text"
:placeholder "HEX Color"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc DynamicForms
{:title "Dynamic Forms"
(str "There are times when users may be presented with a form and not all "
"fields are applicable depending on a subset of the filled out form. "
"This can add to clutter and confusion and this is where dynamic "
"forms can help. Showing only data that pertains under certain "
"circumstances will reduce clutter and simplify the form.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formSix"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
{:field-key :under-eighteen
:label "Under 18?"}}]
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
{:field-key :gurdian-email
:label "Gurdian Email Address"
:visibility #(u/get-field-value % :under-eighteen)
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your email address."}
{:validator v/simple-email
:error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email Address"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc ResponsiveForms
{:title "Custom Styles & Markup"
(str "HX Forms doesn't take a strong stance on how your structure "
"your markup or style your forms. It take a minimalist approach "
"to hooking into and managing your form's state. This demo shows "
"off how arbitrary markup can be applied to your forms")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formSeven"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
{:field-key :first-name
:label "First Name"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your first name."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "First Name"}]
{:field-key :last-name
:label "Last Name"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your last name."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Last Name"}]
{:field-key :email
:label "Email Address"
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your email address."}
{:validator v/simple-email
:error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Email Address"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc DataTransformation
{:title "Data Transformation"
(str "There are times you may need to transform the data before passing "
"it along. You may want to coerce values to other types or possibly "
"augment specific fields. Depending on the values of other fields. "
"This can be done by using transformers.")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formEight"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
{:field-key :age-string
:label "Age (String)"
:formatters [f/numeric-only]
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your age."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Age"}]
{:field-key :age-number
:label "Age (Number)"
:formatters [f/numeric-only]
:transformers [t/str->int]
:validators [{:validator v/required-input
:error "Please enter your age."}]}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Age"}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])
(defnc AdditionalComponentTypes
{:title "Form Components"
(str "")}]
{:is-submitting false
[:form {:id "formNine"
:hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
{:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
(str "Inputs are standard inputs and support all valid types")]
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
{:field-key :text-input
:label "Text Input"}
:type "text"
:placeholder "Text Input"}]
{:field-key :standard-input
:label "Password Input"}
:type "password"
:placeholder "Password Input"}]
{:field-key :calendar-input
:label "Calendar Input"}
:type "date"
:placeholder "Calendar Input"}]
{:field-key :search-input
:label "Search Input"}
:type "search"
:placeholder "Search Input"}]]
{:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
(str "Binary Input Fields")]
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
{:field-key :checkbox
:label "Checkbox"}}]
{:field-key :toggle
:label "Toggle"}}]]
{:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
(str "Multi-Option Fields")]
[:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
{:field-key :radio-group-type
:label "Radio Group Type"
:options [{:display "Option One"
:value :one}
{:display "Option Two"
:value :two}
{:display "Option Three"
:value :three}]}}]
{:field-key :checkbox-group-type
:label "Checkbox Group Type"
:options [{:display "Option One"
:value :one}
{:display "Option Two"
:value :two}
{:display "Option Three"
:value :three}]}}]
{:field-key :select-type
:label "Select Type"
:options [{:display "Option One"
:value "one"}
{:display "Option Two"
:value "two"}
{:display "Option Three"
:value "three"}]}}]]
{:hx/submit-button {}
:type "submit"
:value "Submit"}]]}]])