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Object-Centric Process Analysis

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If you find ocpa and the datasets useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

title = {ocpa: A Python library for object-centric process analysis},
journal = {Software Impacts},
pages = {100438},
year = {2022},
issn = {2665-9638},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Jan Niklas Adams and Gyunam Park and Wil M.P. {van der Aalst}},
keywords = {Process mining, Object-centric process mining, Object-centric petri net, Predictive process monitoring, Conformance checking, Performance analysis},
abstract = {ocpa is a Python library supporting object-centric process mining. Traditional process mining generates insights for one single process. However, many real-life processes are composed of multiple interacting subprocesses and events may involve multiple objects. Object-centric process mining provides techniques for analyzing multiple interacting processes by generalizing process mining techniques. ocpa contains algorithms for object-centric event log management, process discovery, conformance checking, enhancement, and predictive process monitoring. ocpa is easily integrable with existing solutions as it supports existing object-centric event log standards, provides extensive documentation, and is installable through the Python package installer.}

OCPA (Object-Centric Process Analysis) is a Python library to enable object-centric process mining. It covers the following functionalities:

  • Object-centric event log management
    • Import
      • From CSV
      • From OCEL 2.0 Files
    • Export
      • To JSONOCEL
    • Process execution extraction (object-centric cases)
  • Object-centric process discovery
    • Object-centric Petri nets
    • Object-centric Variant calculation
    • Control-flow visualization
      • Object-centric Petri net
      • Object-centric variants
  • Object-centric conformance checking
    • Fitness & Precision
    • Constraint monitoring
  • Object-centric process enhancement
    • Performance analysis
    • Model Analysis
  • Object-centric predictive process monitoring
    • Feature extraction
    • Feature encoding
    • Preprocessing


Install from Github

git clone
cd ocpa
pip install .

Install from Pip

pip install ocpa

Event Log Management

OCPA offers several ways to import object-centric event data. Additionally to the two data formats introduced in the (OCEL standard) we support the import of CSV files. The importer is the key interface to pass parameters and settings to the event log. A full description can be found in the importer's documentation <ocpa.objects.log.importer.csv.factory.apply>.

Importing CSV Files

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.csv import factory as ocel_import_factory
filename = "sample_logs/csv/BPI2017-Final.csv"
object_types = ["application", "offer"]
parameters = {"obj_names":object_types,
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(file_path= filename,parameters = parameters)

Importing JSON OCEL/XML OCEL Files

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)

Importing OCEL 2.0 Files

There are different formats for OCEL 2.0 files. All of them are extensively documented at the (OCEL standard) website.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel2.sqlite import factory as ocel_import_factory
filename = "sample_logs/ocel2/sqlite/running-example.sqlite"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)

Exporting JSON OCEL Files

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.objects.log.exporter.ocel import factory as ocel_export_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
	ocel, './exported-p2p-normal_export.jsonocel')

Process Execution Extraction & Management The technique passed through the parameters determines how process executions will be retrieved for the event log. The default technique are connected components. The process executions are extracted upon calling the corresponding property the first time.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
filename = "../../sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
print("Number of process executions: "+str(len(ocel.process_executions)))
print("Events of the first process execution: "+str(ocel.process_executions[0]))
print("Objects of the first process execution: "+str(ocel.process_execution_objects[0]))
print("Process execution graph of the first execution:")
print("Process execution of the first event with event id 0: "+str(ocel.process_execution_mappings[0]))

Import with Parameters

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
parameters = {"execution_extraction": "leading_type",
          	"leading_type": "GDSRCPT",
          	"variant_calculation": "two_phase",
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)

Object-Centric Process Discovery

A process model of the object-centric event log can be discovered by applying the discovery algorithm for object-centric Petri nets. The corresponding retrieved object retrieved is of the class Object-centric Petri net <ocpa.objects.oc_petri_net.obj.ObjectCentricPetriNet>. Objects of this class can be visualized by calling the corresponding visualization function.

Object-Centric Petri Net Retrieval & Visualization


Example of a visualized object-centric Petri net

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.discovery.ocpn import algorithm as ocpn_discovery_factory
from ocpa.visualization.oc_petri_net import factory as ocpn_vis_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(file_path=filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel, parameters={"debug": False}), "oc_petri_net.png")

Variant Calculation and Layouting Equivalent control-flow behavior of process executions are called variants. Since a process execution is a graph, we can find equivalent process executions by annotating each graph's nodes with the activity attribute and finding isomorphic graphs. OCPA offers two techniques to determine variants: By first calculating lexicographical presentations of the graphs and then refining these (TWO_PHASE), and through one-to-one isomorphism checking (ONE_PHASE). The first is normally faster. One can also choose to use the approximation of variants through only the lexicographical presentation. This is the default procedure, but can be switched off by passing the right parameter (see example below). The variant layouting just returns a positioning of chevrons as coordinates. The visualization has to be done using another tool ( implements this end-to-end)


A variant visualized with OCpi following the layouting algorithm.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.visualization.log.variants import factory as variants_visualization_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
print("Number of process executions: "+str(len(ocel.process_executions)))
print("Number of variants: "+str(len(ocel.variants)))
variant_layouting = variants_visualization_factory.apply(ocel)

Object-Centric Conformance Checking

OCPA offers two main ways of conformance checking: By calculating fitness, i.e., the share of events that can be replayed in the object-centric Petri net, and by constraint monitoring.

Precision and Fitness One can calculate precision and fitness by comparing an object-centric Petri net to an object-centric event log.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.conformance.precision_and_fitness import evaluator as quality_measure_factory
from ocpa.algo.discovery.ocpn import algorithm as ocpn_discovery_factory
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel, parameters = {"debug":False})
precision, fitness = quality_measure_factory.apply(ocel, ocpn)
print("Precision of IM-discovered net: "+str(precision))
print("Fitness of IM-discovered net: "+str(fitness))

Constraint monitoring As well as the conformance of event logs to process models, OCPA also offers the conformance (compliance) of event logs to user-defined constraints. Such constraints describe control-flow, object-involvement, and performance constraints.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.discovery.ocpn import algorithm as ocpn_discovery_factory
from ocpa.algo.enhancement.token_replay_based_performance import algorithm as performance_factory
from ocpa.objects.graph.constraint_graph.obj import ConstraintGraph, ActivityNode, ObjectTypeNode, FormulaNode, ControlFlowEdge, ObjectRelationEdge, PerformanceEdge
import ocpa.algo.conformance.constraint_monitoring.algorithm as constraint_monitoring_factory

filename = "<path-to-your-log>"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel)
diag_params = {'measures': ['act_freq', 'arc_freq', 'object_count', 'waiting_time', 'service_time', 'sojourn_time', 'synchronization_time', 'pooling_time', 'lagging_time', 'flow_time'], 'agg': [
	'mean', 'min', 'max']}
diag = performance_factory.apply(ocpn, ocel, parameters=diag_params)

# Example1: VM and PGI should not be concurrently executed.
cg1 = ConstraintGraph('Example1')
act_vm = ActivityNode('Verify Material')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
cg1.add_nodes([act_vm, act_pgi])
cf1 = ControlFlowEdge(act_vm, act_pgi, 'concur', 'MATERIAL', 0.1)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg1, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example2: CPR should alway be followed by CPO.
cg2 = ConstraintGraph('Example2')
act_cpr = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Requisition (CPR)')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Order (CPO)')
cg2.add_nodes([act_cpr, act_cpo])
cf2 = ControlFlowEdge(act_cpr, act_cpo, 'causal', 'PURCHREQ', 0.99)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg2, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example3: CPR should not be skipped
cg3 = ConstraintGraph('Example3')
act_cpr = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Requisition (CPR)')
cf3 = ControlFlowEdge(act_cpr, act_cpr, 'skip', 'PURCHREQ', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg3, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example4: PGI should always involve PURCHORD
cg4 = ConstraintGraph('Example4')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node1 = ObjectTypeNode('PURCHORD')
cg4.add_nodes([act_pgi, obj_node1])
or1 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node1, act_pgi, 'absent', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg4, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example5: PGI should not involve MATERIAL
cg5 = ConstraintGraph('Example5')
act_pgi = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node2 = ObjectTypeNode('MATERIAL')
or2 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node2, act_pgi, 'present', 0)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg5, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example6: CPO should involve only one PURCHORD
cg6 = ConstraintGraph('Example6')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Create Purchase Order (CPO)')
obj_node1 = ObjectTypeNode('PURCHORD')
cg6.add_nodes([obj_node1, act_cpo])
or3 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node1, act_cpo, 'singular', 0.99)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg6, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

# Example7: CPO should mostly involve multiple PURCHORD
cg7 = ConstraintGraph('Example7')
act_cpo = ActivityNode('Plan Goods Issue')
obj_node2 = ObjectTypeNode('MATERIAL')
cg7.add_nodes([act_cpo, obj_node2])
or4 = ObjectRelationEdge(obj_node2, act_cpo, 'multiple', 0.7)
violated, diagnostics = constraint_monitoring_factory.apply(
	cg7, ocel, diag, parameters=None)
if violated:

Object-Centric Process Enhancement

Performance Analysis OCPA offers object-centric performance analysis. The performance analysis considers the interaction of objects in business processes, producing accurate waiting, service, and sojourn times. Moreover, it provides insightful object-centric performance metrics such as lagging, pooling, synchronization, and flow times.


New performance metrics on object-centric event data.

filename = "./sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
ocpn = ocpn_discovery_factory.apply(ocel)
diag_params = {'measures': ['act_freq', 'arc_freq', 'object_count', 'waiting_time', 'service_time', 'sojourn_time', 'synchronization_time', 'pooling_time', 'lagging_time', 'flow_time'], 'agg': [
	'mean', 'min', 'max'], 'format': 'svg'}
diag = performance_factory.apply(ocpn, ocel, parameters=diag_params)
print(f'Diagnostics: {diag}')
gviz = ocpn_vis_factory.apply(
	ocpn, diagnostics=diag, variant="annotated_with_opera", parameters=diag_params)

Object-Centric Predictive Process Monitoring

OCPA offers extensive support for predictive process monitoring. This comes in form of features extraction, encoding and preprocessing functionality. Features are extracted based on the true, graph-like structure of object-centric event data. Depending on the use case, users can decide to encode object-centric features in one of three ways: Tabluer, Sequential or graph. The extracted features can already be normalized and split into training and testing set.

Feature extraction

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import factory as predictive_monitoring
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
activities = list(set(ocel.log.log["event_activity"].tolist()))
feature_set = [(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_REMAINING_TIME, ()),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PREVIOUS_TYPE_COUNT, ("GDSRCPT",)),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_ELAPSED_TIME, ())] + \
          	[(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PRECEDING_ACTIVITES, (act,)) for act in activities]
feature_storage = predictive_monitoring.apply(ocel, feature_set, [])

The extracted features come in form of a Feature Storage <ocpa.algo.feature_extraction.obj.Feature_Storage>. A feature storage contains a list of feature graphs. Each feature graph represents one process execution. Each node represents an event. The feature values extracted for events are stored as a dictionary. The feature values for a process execution are, also, stored as a dictionary associated with the feature graph. Feature functions are predefined (can of course be extended). A function is identified with the corresponding string. Parameters are passed as a tuple.

Feature Encoding The feature storage has an underlying graph structure. OCPA allows the user to transform this graph structure to a sequential or a tabular encoding.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import factory as predictive_monitoring
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import tabular, sequential
filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
activities = list(set(ocel.log.log["event_activity"].tolist()))
feature_set = [(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_REMAINING_TIME, ()),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PREVIOUS_TYPE_COUNT, ("GDSRCPT",)),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_ELAPSED_TIME, ())] + \
          	[(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PRECEDING_ACTIVITES, (act,)) for act in activities]
feature_storage = predictive_monitoring.apply(ocel, feature_set, [])
table = tabular.construct_table(feature_storage)
sequences = sequential.construct_sequence(feature_storage)

Preprocessing Since predictive process monitoring is the most common use case of feature extraction and encoding, OCPA allow the user to split and normalize the feature storage for training and testing. The share of test split is necessary, as well as the state for random splitting.

from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import factory as predictive_monitoring
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import tabular

filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
activities = list(set(ocel.log.log["event_activity"].tolist()))
feature_set = [(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_REMAINING_TIME, ()),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PREVIOUS_TYPE_COUNT, ("GDSRCPT",)),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_ELAPSED_TIME, ())] + \
          	[(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PRECEDING_ACTIVITES, (act,)) for act in activities]
feature_storage = predictive_monitoring.apply(ocel, feature_set, [])
feature_storage.extract_normalized_train_test_split(0.3, state = 3395)
train_table = tabular.construct_table(
    	feature_storage, index_list=feature_storage.training_indices)
test_table = tabular.construct_table(
    	feature_storage, index_list=feature_storage.test_indices)

Full Example

from ocpa.util.util import LinearRegression
from ocpa.util.util import mean_absolute_error
from ocpa.objects.log.importer.ocel import factory as ocel_import_factory
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import factory as predictive_monitoring
from ocpa.algo.predictive_monitoring import tabular

filename = "sample_logs/jsonocel/p2p-normal.jsonocel"
ocel = ocel_import_factory.apply(filename)
activities = list(set(ocel.log.log["event_activity"].tolist()))
feature_set = [(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_REMAINING_TIME, ()),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PREVIOUS_TYPE_COUNT, ("GDSRCPT",)),
           	(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_ELAPSED_TIME, ())] + \
          	[(predictive_monitoring.EVENT_PRECEDING_ACTIVITES, (act,)) for act in activities]
feature_storage = predictive_monitoring.apply(ocel, feature_set, [])
feature_storage.extract_normalized_train_test_split(0.3, state = 3395)
train_table = tabular.construct_table(
    	feature_storage, index_list=feature_storage.training_indices)
test_table = tabular.construct_table(
    	feature_storage, index_list=feature_storage.test_indices)
y_train, y_test = train_table[feature_set[0]], test_table[feature_set[0]]
x_train, x_test = train_table.drop(
    	feature_set[0], axis=1), test_table.drop(feature_set[0], axis=1)
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(x_test)
avg_rem = sum(y_train)/len(y_train)
print('MAE baseline: ', mean_absolute_error(
	y_test, [avg_rem for elem in y_test]))
print('MAE: ', mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred))