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πŸŒ€ Universal Package Manager - Python, Node.js, Ruby, Emacs Lisp.


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UPM is the Universal Package Manager. It allows you to manage packages for any (supported) programming language through the same interface following the principle of least astonishment. At, we use UPM to provide deep package manager integration for many different programming languages using the same infrastructure.

UPM does not implement package management itself. Instead, it runs a package manager for you. The value added is:

  • you don't have to figure out whether to use Pip or Pipenv or Poetry to manage your Python packages or wade into the Cabal-versus-Stack holy war in Haskell-land
  • you don't have to puzzle out why pip search flask doesn't return Flask in the search results
  • you don't have to debug Bundler silently dropping your command-line options if you don't specify them in the right (undocumented) order
  • you don't have to think about why the developers of NPM and Yarn decided to implement two completely different and mutually incompatible behaviors for list --depth=0, neither of which is exactly what you want
  • you don't have to investigate what format the Yarn lockfile is in (turns out: almost YAML, but not quite)
  • et cetera (I could go on all day)

In other words, UPM eliminates the need to remember a huge collection of language-specific package manager quirks and weirdness, and adds a few nifty extra features like dependency guessing and machine-parseable specfile and lockfile listing.

Supported languages

  • Core: upm add, upm remove, upm lock, upm install, upm list
  • Index: upm search, upm info
  • Guess: upm guess
core index guess
python-python3-poetry yes yes yes
python-python2-poetry yes yes yes
nodejs-yarn yes yes yes
nodejs-npm yes yes yes
ruby-bundler yes yes
elisp-cask yes yes yes yes yes
rlang yes yes
haskell-stack yes yes


You have many options. UPM is a single binary with no dependencies, so you can install it anywhere. Tarballs are available on the releases page. Read on for instructions on installing via a package manager.


Available on Homebrew in a custom tap.

$ brew install replit/tap/upm

Debian-based Linux

.deb packages are available on the releases page.

RPM-based Linux

.rpm packages are available on the releases page.

Arch Linux

Soon to be available on the Arch User Repository. Right now, you can clone this repository and install with makepkg using the PKGBUILD in packaging/aur.


Available on Scoop in a custom bucket.

$ scoop bucket add replit
$ scoop install upm


Soon to be available on the Snap Store. Right now, .snap packages are available on the releases page.


You can try out UPM right away in a Docker image based on Ubuntu that has all the supported languages and package managers already installed.

$ docker run -it --rm replco/upm

Additional tags are also available. replco/upm:full is the same as the above, while replco/upm:light just has the UPM binary installed to /usr/local/bin and none of the languages or package managers installed. If you want to run a specific tagged release, rather than the latest development snapshot, use e.g. replco/upm:1.0, replco/upm:1.0-full, or replco/upm:1.0-light.

Quick start

Let's create a new Python project:

$ mkdir ~/python
$ cd ~/python

We'll start by adding Flask as a dependency. UPM will handle setting up the project for us:

$ upm -l python add flask
--> python3 -m poetry init --no-interaction

This command will guide you through creating your pyproject.toml config.

--> python3 -m poetry add flask
Creating virtualenv python-py3.7 in /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Using version ^1.1 for flask

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.6s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 6 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing markupsafe (1.1.1)
  - Installing click (7.0)
  - Installing itsdangerous (1.1.0)
  - Installing jinja2 (2.10.1)
  - Installing werkzeug (0.15.4)
  - Installing flask (1.1.1)

UPM operates on a specfile and lockfile for each project. The specfile says what your project's dependencies are in a human-readable format, while the lockfile specifies exact versions for everything, including transitive dependencies. For Python, the specfile is pyproject.toml and the lockfile is poetry.lock:

$ ls
poetry.lock  pyproject.toml

We don't have to read them ourselves, because UPM can handle that. Notice that UPM is now aware that our project uses Python, because of the files that were created:

$ upm list
name    spec
-----   ----
flask   ^1.1

$ upm list -a
name           version
------------   -------
click          7.0
flask          1.1.1
itsdangerous   1.1.0
jinja2         2.10.1
markupsafe     1.1.1
werkzeug       0.15.4

Let's search for another dependency to add:

$ upm search nose
--> python3 -c '<secret sauce>' nose
Name                Description                                                              Version
-----------------   ----------------------------------------------------------------------   -------
nose                nose extends unittest to make testing easier                             1.3.7
nose-detecthttp     A nose plugin to detect tests making http calls.                         1.1.0
nose-picker         nose plugin that picks a subset of your unit tests                       0.5.5
nose-progressive    A testrunner with a progress bar and smarter tracebacks                  1.5.2
nose-unittest       UNKNOWN                                                                  0.1.1
nose-blockage       Raise errors when communicating outside of tests                         0.1.2
nose-watcher        A nose plugin to watch for changes within the local directory.           0.1.3
nose-bisect         A Nose plugin which allows bisection of test failures.                   0.1.0
nose-printlog       Print log to console in nose tests                                       0.2.0
nose-json           A JSON report plugin for Nose.                                           0.2.4
nose-faulthandler   Nose plugin. Activates faulthandler module for test runs.                0.1
nose-knows                                                                                   0.2
nose-pagerduty      PagerDuty alert plugin for nose                                          0.2.0
nose-logpertest     Logging nose plugin to create log per test                               0.0.1
nose-bleed          A progressive coverage plugin for Nose.                                  0.5.1
nose-numpyseterr    Nose plugin to set how floating-point errors are handled by numpy        0.1
nose-skipreq        nose plugin that will skip Google API RequestError exceptions.           2.0
nose-selecttests    Specify whitelist of keywords for tests to be run by nose                0.5
nose-pacman         A testrunner with a pacman progress bar                                  0.1.0
nose-switch         Add special switches in code, based on options set when running tests.   0.1.5

We can get more information about a package like this:

$ upm info nose
--> python3 -c '<secret sauce>' nose
Name:          nose
Description:   nose extends unittest to make testing easier
Version:       1.3.7
Author:        Jason Pellerin <[email protected]>
License:       GNU LGPL

For piping into other programs, the search and info commands can also output JSON:

$ upm info nose --format=json | jq
--> python3 -c '<secret sauce>' nose
  "name": "nose",
  "description": "nose extends unittest to make testing easier",
  "version": "1.3.7",
  "homepageURL": "",
  "author": "Jason Pellerin <[email protected]>",
  "license": "GNU LGPL"

UPM can also look at your project's source code and guess what packages need to be installed. We use this on to help developers get started faster. To see it in action, we'll need some source code:

$ git clone ~/play
$ cd ~/play
$ upm add --guess
--> python3 -c '<secret sauce>' '<secret sauce>'
--> python3 -m poetry init --no-interaction

This command will guide you through creating your pyproject.toml config.

--> python3 -m poetry add pygame pymunk setuptools
Creating virtualenv play-py3.7 in /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
Using version ^1.9 for pygame
Using version ^5.5 for pymunk
Using version ^41.0 for setuptools

Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (1.4s)

Writing lock file

Package operations: 4 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing pycparser (2.19)
  - Installing cffi (1.12.3)
  - Installing pygame (1.9.6)
  - Installing pymunk (5.5.0)

You can also just get the list of guessed dependencies, if you want. The -a flag lists all guessed dependencies, even the ones already added to the specfile:

$ upm guess -a

All of this might seem a bit too simple to justify a new tool, but the real power of UPM is that it works exactly the same for every programming language:

$ upm -l nodejs info express
Name:          express
Description:   Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
Version:       4.17.1
Source code:   git+
Bug tracker:
Author:        TJ Holowaychuk <[email protected]>
License:       MIT

$ upm -l ruby info jekyll
--> ruby -e '<secret sauce>' jekyll
Name:            jekyll
Description:     Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
Version:         3.8.6
Source code:
Bug tracker:
Author:          Tom Preston-Werner
License:         MIT
Dependencies:    addressable, colorator, em-websocket, i18n, jekyll-sass-converter, jekyll-watch, kramdown, liquid, mercenary, pathutil, rouge, safe_yaml

$ upm -l elisp info elnode
--> emacs -Q --batch --eval '<secret sauce>' /tmp/elpa552971126 info elnode
Name:           elnode
Description:    The Emacs webserver.
Version:        20190702.1509
Dependencies:   web, dash, noflet, s, creole, fakir, db, kv

That includes adding and removing packages, listing the specfile and lockfile, searching package indices, and guessing project dependencies. UPM knows all the best practices for each language so that you don't have to!


Explore the command-line interface at your leisure:

$ upm --help
  upm [command]

Available Commands:
  which-language   Query language autodetection
  list-languages   List supported languages
  search           Search for packages online
  info             Show package information from online registry
  add              Add packages to the specfile
  remove           Remove packages from the specfile
  lock             Generate the lockfile from the specfile
  install          Install packages from the lockfile
  list             List packages from the specfile (or lockfile)
  guess            Guess what packages are needed by your project
  show-specfile    Print the filename of the specfile
  show-lockfile    Print the filename of the lockfile
  show-package-dir Print the directory where packages are installed
  help             Help about any command

  -h, --help                       display command-line usage
      --ignored-packages strings   packages to ignore when guessing (comma-separated)
  -l, --lang string                specify project language(s) manually
  -q, --quiet                      don't show what commands are being run
  -v, --version                    display command version

Use "upm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Here are useful things to know that aren't obvious:

  • Language detection: Your project's language is autodetected by the files in the current directory. This can be overridden either partially or completely by specifying a value for the -l option. You can see the available languages by running upm list-languages. In addition to a full language (e.g. python-python3-poetry), you can specify something simpler (e.g. python, python3, python2, poetry, python-poetry). In that case, UPM will examine all of the matching languages and pick whichever one it thinks is best. You can experiment with this logic by providing the -l option to upm which-language.
  • Information flow: Conceptually, information about packages flows one way in UPM: add/remove -> specfile -> lockfile -> installed packages. You run upm add and upm remove, which modifies the specfile, and then the lockfile is automatically generated from the specfile, and then packages are automatically installed or uninstalled according to the lockfile. Just running upm add or upm remove will automatically perform all of these steps. Skipping steps is unfortunately not supported, because few package managers support that. You can however run only later steps in the pipeline by means of the upm lock and upm install commands.
  • Caching: UPM maintains a simple JSON cache in the .upm subdirectory of your project, in order to improve performance. This is used to (1) skip generating the lockfile from the specfile if the specfile hasn't changed since last time; (2) skip reinstalling packages from the lockfile if the lockfile hasn't changed since last time; and (3) skip doing a full analysis of your code on upm guess if your imports haven't actually changed since last time (according to a quick regexp search). To reset the cache, you can delete that directory. However, this shouldn't be necessary very often, because you can use the --force-lock and --force-install options to upm add, upm remove, upm lock, and upm install (it is just --force for upm install due to lack of ambiguity) in order to ignore the cache for cases (1) and (2).

Environment variables respected

  • UPM_PROJECT: path to top-level directory containing project files. UPM uses this as its working directory. Defaults to the first parent directory containing a directory entry named .upm (like Git searches for .git), or the current directory if .upm is not found.
  • UPM_PYTHON2: if nonempty, use instead of python2 when invoking Python 2.
  • UPM_PYTHON3: if nonempty, use instead of python3 when invoking Python 3.
  • UPM_SILENCE_SUBROUTINES: if nonempty, then enable -q when running commands that are not directly related to the operation the user requested (e.g. if running upm add, enable -q when reading the specfile to check which packages are already added).
  • UPM_STORE: path of file used to store the JSON cache file, relative or absolute. Defaults to .upm/store.json.


UPM itself has no dependencies. It is a single statically-linked binary. However, if you wish to actually use it to manage packages for a language, then the relevant language package manager needs to be installed, as follows:

All of these dependencies are already installed in the replco/upm:full Docker image.


$ make help
  make upm       Build the UPM binary
  make dev       Run a shell with UPM source code and all package managers inside Docker
  make light     Build a Docker image with just the UPM binary
  make full      Build a Docker image with the UPM binary and all package managers
  make doc       Open Godoc in web browser
  make deploy    Publish UPM snapshot Docker images to Docker Hub
  make pkgbuild  Update and test PKGBUILD
  make clean     Remove build artifacts
  make help      Show this message

To build UPM, run make upm (or just make). This requires an installation of Go. Then add the directory ./cmd/upm to your $PATH so that you can run the binary. To remove build artifacts, run make clean.

You can use Docker to avoid needing to install the package managers that UPM drives. To do this, run make dev. This will build an image and launch a shell inside the container with the UPM source directory on your computer synced with the filesystem inside the container. The same Makefile targets are available, and UPM is added to the $PATH automatically. You only need to restart the shell if you edit the Dockerfile or the scripts used by the Dockerfile. Aliases available inside the shell:

  • l: ls -lAhF
  • mt: create temporary directory and cd to it (convenient for switching to a new "project" context)
  • u: build UPM binary if source code has been modified, then run with given arguments
  • ub: same as u, but force rebuilding binary (may be useful if you previously built outside the Docker container)

To build a Docker image which has only the UPM binary, for embedding in other images, run make light. The image will be tagged as upm:light. Alternatively, to build a Docker image which has the binary and all the package managers, but not the UPM source code, run make full. The image will be tagged as upm:full. These two images are automatically built and deployed to Docker Hub when a commit is merged to master.

UPM does not currently have any tests; however, we plan to fix this.


Whenever a commit is merged to master, snapshot Docker images are built and pushed to Docker Hub by CircleCI. Whenever a tagged release (e.g. v1.0) is pushed to GitHub, the following happens:

  • Release Docker images are tagged and pushed to Docker Hub.
  • The changelog is parsed and published as a GitHub Release with the following assets:
    • source code (.zip and .tar.gz)
    • binary (.tar.gz; darwin, freebsd, linux, and windows; 386 and amd64)
    • Debian package (.deb; 386 and amd64)
    • RPM package (.rpm; 386 and amd64)
    • Snappy package (.snap; 386 and amd64)
    • checksums (.txt)
  • The Homebrew tap is updated.
  • The Scoop bucket is updated.

Once you push a release and it passes CI, the following must be done manually:

  • Edit packaging/aur/PKGBUILD with the new version and run make pkgbuild to update and test the AUR package. Then push a new commit. (Once we are allowed to publish to AUR, you should also push packaging/aur there.)


πŸŒ€ Universal Package Manager - Python, Node.js, Ruby, Emacs Lisp.







No packages published


  • Go 87.6%
  • Emacs Lisp 3.6%
  • Shell 3.6%
  • Python 3.5%
  • Makefile 1.2%
  • Ruby 0.5%