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Egeria Meeting 10th 11th July 2018

mstrelchuk edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Egeria Meeting 10-11 July 2018

Tuesday 10 July 2018


  • Mandy Chessell
  • David Radley
  • Nigel Jones
  • Graham Wallis
  • Ferd Scheepers
  • Maryna Strelchuk
  • Mike Nicpan
  • Bogdan-Mihail Sava
  • Jing Zhou
  • Ruxandra-Gabriela Rosu
  • Guy Ackermans
  • Chris Replogle


09h - 17:30h

  • Overview of Egeria current state.
    • Scope of Egeria.

      • Compliance suite. First, we will focus on the functional testing/compliance. Next, we will add performance testing (benchmarking on speed and volume).
      • Version number for the testing. e.g. "Version 1 compliant". Group of consumers that should also take part in the test creation.
      • Virtualiser will sit in the egeria/open-metadata-implementation/governance-servers/virtualiser And connectors in adapters/open-connectors/governance-daemon-connectors/view-generator-connectors. TO DO: Review and polish out the structure “connector – plugin piece with logic - connector.
      • Samples(for developer to start with) integration and configuration.
      • Demos (for the end users). Provide a docker container.
      • Mandy will move the compliance pack from data-governace space to Egeria
      • Suggestions for the Egeria landing/general page.
        • Information/reference material structured by the role: developer integrator.
        • On the landing/general page provide whole topology, leave the short sentence to describe what component is about.
        • See it in action demo/video button.
      • ODPi Open Metadata page
        • See it in action video button.
        • Add some history bachground
      • Logo
      • Glossary of terms
      • FAQ. e.g.What do you mean with the virtual connector?
    • Code and way of working. What needs still to happen?

    • Egeria packaging/modules.

    • Automated build and Egeria in Maven Central.

      • We can push a snapshot
    • Can we have a demo of Egeria?

  • Governance Engine OMAS deep dive.
  • Subject Area OMAS update.
  • Atlas Local Connector state update. Progress on code split.

Wednesday 11 July 2018



09h - 17:00h

  • Discussion on Open Source Summit in Vancouver.
    • What pieces would we like to demo?
    • Work group to prepare for summit.
  • Speaking opportunities and meetups
Event Date Additional Information
OSS Vancouver 28 August 2018 Mandy, David, Nigel, Ferd, Maryna. Expected audience: developer community
Before Strata meetup, NY 11 September 2018 Evening meetup 18-20h, ING office. Mandy, Mike + 1 ING. Audience: mixed, fintech, data governance.
Dreamforce, SFO 25-28 September 2018
Open Fintech, NY 10-11 October 2018
OSS Europe, Edinburgh 22 -24 October 2018 Meetup
IBM THINK February 2019 2 Meet the experts sessions. Hands on Glossary
Strata, SF March 25-28 2019
Strata, London April 29-May 2019
Global SAS Forum, Dallas April 28 Paper submission. Check if we can have a meetup.
OSS, Japan
Dataworks, Europe April 2019
Dataversity 2019 abstract and Meetup
Meetups Date Additional Information
Bucharest BOX days 2019 March
  • Open Source Best Practices

    • Get the release process documented.
    • additional Jira will be added by Mandy.
  • Lineage

    • Need for the clear use cases for lineage.
    • EGERIA-14 Design Lineage for Egeria, EGERIA-15 Create specification for operational lineage in Egeria.
    • We will have a lineage dedicated session during August Egeria meeting in Bucharest.
  • Virtual Data Connector diagram

vdc architecture flow july 10