- OpenMultiBoot will be donated to OE-Alliance by GigaBlue.
- OpenMultiBoot can be modified or adapted to work with stb's from other vendors as long naming "openMultiBoot" is not changed and logos of openMultiBoot persists.
- OpenMultiBoot uses boxbranding and informations from oe-alliance bitbake recipes. Due to that - ipk's are specific for each stb! Do not try to use OpenMultiBoot from stb A on stb B.
- GigaBlue takes no responsibility for any potential damage openMultiBoot might cause on stb's from other vendors.
- OpenMultiBoot requires some kernel-modules to work. They will be installed on installation of OpenMultiBoot.
- ubifs - kernel-module-nandsim
- jffs2 - kernel-module-nandsim kernel-module-block2mtd
(c) 2014 Impex-Sat GmbH & Co. KG - http://www.gigablue.de
- Supports py2 and py3 images.
- Supports enigma.info.
- Supports moving of the exteran between different boxes. Just jump to flash image before disconnecting. Omb will show you on the menu just the image for current box.
- Menu load faster by calling external binary (boxbranding helper ) just one time for each image.
- New bootmenu helper that produce a json. @devs, You can use this new helper to preview the image list output.
- < device > has to be formated in ext4
- < device > should be a fast usb-stick or ssd - not recommended to use a normal hdd as hdd would almost never stop spinning
- Upload any zipped image to < device >/open-multiboot-upload or /omb/open-multiboot-upload
- Zipped image needs regular folderstructure like flashing from usb-device
- It is not recommended to re-use existing settings - do not blame us if problems occur
- Check your recording path configuration and existing timers if you attach a new device
- Do not use Flash-Online if you have not booted your regularly flashed image - use delete/install in OpenMultiBoot of regularly flashed image
- Special thx goes to skaman, kajgan, captain, arn354 and all testers!