This project developed by Oğuzhan Selim Temiz for Gusto & RemoteTeam NodeJs Bootcamp Final Project
Users can register or login via Google / Facebook then they can add their favorite movies or actors and they can make them shareable. Other members can only access, like or comment on these shared posts. Users can also delete, edit their own posts.
Client: React, React Router, Mui, axios, notistack, moment
Server: Node, Express, Mysql, TypeORM, JWT, joi, bcrypt, CORS, Boom, Dotenv, ts-node-dev
- Sign in / up System
- Login via Google / Facebook
- JWT for Auth
- CRUD Movie or Actor
- Share & Like & Comment System
- User Public / Private Profile Page
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Copy the .env.example file and call it .env and edit the variables as you need
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd moviefava/client & cd moviefava/server
Install dependencies
Copy the .env.example file and call it .env and edit the variables as you need.
cp .env.example .env
Set your database credentials and create a MySQL database based on the variables in the .env file
> Create a user with all permissions. username: test, password: test
mysql> CREATE DATABASE moviefavadev
* All necessary tables will be created automatically
Start the server
yarn start