A Hexo plugin to generate static post link based on title and data in the post front.
This plugin supports .textbundle
-- a file format contents markdown and its assets. Actually, .textbundle
file is a folder which shows like a file in Finder on macOS.
https://github.com/rozbo/hexo-abbrlink2, supports the orderly growth of ID is beta now.
The working principle of hexo-abbrlink2
is different from this plug-in, not as an upgraded version of this plugin, they are different individuals.
But hexo-abbrlink2
is compatible with the previous configuration of this plugin.
As a supplement to this plugin, use it only when you really need an orderly growing id.
Add plugin to Hexo:
npm install hexo-abbrlink --save
Modify permalink in config.yml file:
permalink: posts/:abbrlink/
# or
permalink: posts/:abbrlink.html
There are two settings:
alg -- Algorithm (currently support crc16 and crc32, which crc16 is default)
rep -- Represent (the generated link could be presented in hex or dec value)
# abbrlink config
alg: crc32 #support crc16(default) and crc32
rep: hex #support dec(default) and hex
drafts: false #(true)Process draft,(false)Do not process draft. false(default)
# Generate categories from directory-tree
# depth: the max_depth of directory-tree you want to generate, should > 0
enable: true #true(default)
depth: #3(default)
over_write: false
auto_title: false #enable auto title, it can auto fill the title by path
auto_date: false #enable auto date, it can auto fill the date by time today
force: false #enable force mode,in this mode, the plugin will ignore the cache, and calc the abbrlink for every post even it already had abbrlink. This only updates abbrlink rather than other front variables.
The generated link will look like the following:
crc16 & hex
crc16 & dec
crc32 & hex
crc32 & dec
[fixed] Maximum number of posts is 65535 for crc16. (now, if a abbrlink already exist, it will change another one and try again and again...)
see this(Chinese)
The project is develop by JetBrains Ide