This repository contains code to obtain rigourous and accurate lower bounds on the logarithmic Sobolev constants of finite Markov chains. It accompanies the paper Sum-of-Squares proofs of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on finite Markov chains (Oisín Faust and Hamza Fawzi, arXiv:2101.04988).
The project defines an import
able module named LogSobolevRelaxations.
It also contains some examples of the use of this module.
$ git clone
$ cd LogSobolevRelaxations
$ julia
Next, from the Julia REPL, type ]
to enter the Pkg REPL, then:
(@v1.5) pkg> add .
A note on solvers
The module LogSobolevRelaxations
contains no hardcoded reference to a particular solver.
However, many of the examples in this project use the solver Mosek. Mosek is a commercial software package, but it is possible to obtain a free academic licence if you meet certain criteria.
In order to use Mosek, you should put this licence in your home directory in the following location:
It is, of course, also possible to use this project with a different semidefinite program solver, as long as it has a MathOptInterface interface.
Let's compute an exact rational lower bound on the log-Sobolev constant of the simple random walk on K5.
julia> using LogSobolevRelaxations
# We need a solver, in this case we choose Mosek.
julia> using MosekTools
julia> function mosFactory()
return Mosek.Optimizer(QUIET = true, INTPNT_CO_TOL_PFEAS=1e-12)
mosFactory (generic function with 1 method)
julia> kernel = [(i!=j)*1//4 for i=1:5, j=1:5]
5×5 Array{Rational{Int64},2}:
0//1 1//4 1//4 1//4 1//4
1//4 0//1 1//4 1//4 1//4
1//4 1//4 0//1 1//4 1//4
1//4 1//4 1//4 0//1 1//4
1//4 1//4 1//4 1//4 0//1
# Define a rational relaxation based on Padé approximation, using sensible default options.
julia> relaxation = default_relaxation(kernel)
Padé-type relaxation using number type Rational{BigInt}
# One could instead define a relaxation using floating-point data only with the line:
# julia> relaxation = default_relaxation(PadeRelaxationSingle, Float64.(kernel))
# Floating-point relaxations can be solved much more quickly, but any solution will lack
# a certificate in exact rational arithmetic.
# Solve the relaxation.
julia> α_lower = solve_relaxation!(relaxation, mosFactory, tol=1e-12)
# This rational number is hard understand, let's round it.
julia> Float64(α_lower)
# The real constant, as determined analytically (complete graphs are a rare case when this can be
# done).
julia> (5-2)/(5-1)/log(5-1)
In the examples
folder, there are two IJulia notebooks: petersen.ipynb and 3-stick.ipynb.
The folder examples/odd_n_cycle_proofs
contains material used to prove that the logarithmic Sobolev constant of the n-cycle is exaclty half of its spectral gap for odd n between 5 and 21.
This folder contains its own README.