This is the endpoint for the indoor_sampler will POST readings too. It only supports a single client POSTing data as I'm writing is to an append-only CSV file on receipt.
This is super "MVP". I simply persist the data to disk at the moment. There is only one arduino ethernet running so this isn't a problem.
This is part of the House Weather Project.
To set up the code for development you can:
mkvirtualenv --clear -p python3 sample_server pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r test-requirements.txt
To run the server enable the environment and then:
# activate the env workon sample_server # from the sample_server checkout dir: python sample_server/
The Indoor Sampler. uses this endpoint when logging samples.
For simplicity sake the Ardunio Ethernet code POSTs the body as Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. For example this looks like:
The endpoint returns 200 "Received OK, Thanks." in response.
The endpoint also looks for the customer header X-MAC. This is the MAC address of the board logging samples.