Tray Runner is a simple application that runs in the system tray and executes periodically the commands configured. This is util when you want to run command line scripts without having a terminal open ow worry to remember to execute them.
The application has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows 10, but should run on any modern operating system, as the UI relies on QT.
Check more screenshots here.
Python 3.10 or greater is required.
It is recommended to use pipx
so you can install Tray Runner and its dependencies without affecting other applications installed with pip
pipx install tray-runner
Check and upgrade with:
pipx upgrade tray-runner
In a near future, single file binaries will be provided.
Once installed, you can run the application running the command:
Check the options running tray-runner-gui --help
. The first time the program is executed, a shortcut in the applications menu and in the auto start directory will be created. Also, you will be asked to configure the application:
sudo dnf install -y gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
gnome-extensions enable [email protected]
Note: the indicator icon will be shown, but the notifications will remain in the notifications list.
From the CLI:
tray-runner-cli --help
From the GUI:
tray-runner-gui --help
- Translations (raw Python and QT)
- One-file executables (and portables) for Linux and Windows
- Log viewer
Update the template:
poetry run pybabel extract -o tray_runner/locale/messages.pot
Generate a new language:
poetry run pybabel init -l de_DE -i tray_runner/locale/messages.pot -d tray_runner/locale
Update the languages with the new translations found:
poetry run pybabel update -i tray_runner/locale/messages.pot -d tray_runner/locale
Compile the translations:
poetry run pybabel compile -d tray_runner/locale
Running directly the commands:
poetry run pylint tray_runner
poetry run black tray_runner
poetry run mypy tray_runner
poetry run isort tray_runner
Using pre-commit
git add --intent-to-add .
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
- Icons:
List of commands:
General configuration:
Commands common configuration:
Command configuration:
Command overrides:
Command environment variables:
Command statistics: