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Building Data Warehouse on BigQuery which takes flat file as the data sources with Airflow as the Orchestrator

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ETL with Airflow, Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery

ETL from flat file data sources to Data Warehouse.

Architecture Overview

architecture Made by

Data Sources

  1. SQLite
  2. Comma separated values (CSV)
  3. Excel (xls, xlsx)
  4. JSON

Tech Stacks

  1. Python (v3.8.5)
  2. Airflow (v2.0.2)
  3. Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
  4. BigQuery

Installation Setup

Setup Airflow

- Native Airflow

This repo is using Native Airflow that is intended to get understanding on how to setup Airflow from scratch and for the sake of learning. Here is the steps to setup:

  1. (Highly recommended) Create virtual environment and activate it by running

    python -m venv venv 
    source ./venv/bin/activate
  2. Install apache-airflow with some libraries contraints that compatible with AIRFLOW_VERSION and PYTHON_VERSION to prevent any system break because of incompatibility

    PYTHON_VERSION="$(python --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)"
    pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}"
  3. Run export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(pwd) to set AIRFLOW_HOME variable to your current directory, but this is optional. The default value is AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow

  4. Run airflow db init to initialize SQLite Database which stores Airflow metadata based on your AIRFLOW_HOME variable

  5. Create user account by running

    [email protected]
    airflow users create \
     --username "${AIRFLOW_USERNAME}" \
     --firstname "${AIRFLOW_FIRSTNAME}" \
     --lastname "${AIRFLOW_LASTNAME}" \
     --role Admin \
     --email "${AIRFLOW_EMAIL}"

    You will need to input your password when executing this command. And its your freedom to change the USERNAME, FIRSTNAME , LASTNAME, and EMAIL variable based your needs. If you curious on checking this username on airflow.db, let me show it to you.

    Here is the output: username-sqlite I'm using to display the SQLite data, dont be afraid as your SQLite file wont persist there.

  6. On same terminal, start the Airflow webserver with:

    airflow webserver --port 8080
  7. Open new terminal, run the scheduler to make your dags can do their tasks. Notice that you have to set the AIRFLOW_HOME variable again if you have set the variable before:

    export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(pwd)
    airflow scheduler
  8. Voila! Just open http://localhost:8080/ on your browser to see the Airflow web

Shortly, you may run to perform the installation. Again, you can edit based on needs. More on:

- Alternative: Use Airflow Docker

But if you wish to use the Docker Airflow instead you can lookup to docker-compose.yaml file and refer to this tutorial: .

If you need to install other dependecies other than what have been installed by the airflow docker image, please refer to this page:

BigQuery Setup

This project is used some of GCP services which is GCS and BigQuery, and we need to do some stuff on them.

  1. On your GCP console, go to BigQuery. You can find it on Big Data > BigQuery

  2. Then create your Dataset create-dataset

  3. Fill the Dataset field such as. In this project we only need to set:

    • Data set ID (example: my_first_bigquery)
    • Data location. Choose the nearest one from your location. fill-dataset

  5. Ensure that your dataset has been created ensure-dataset-created

Google Cloud Storage Setup

  1. Back to your GCP console, choose Cloud Storage. You can find it on Storage > Cloud Storage
  2. Click CREATE BUCKET button. Then fill some fields such as:
    • Name your bucket (example: blank-space-de-batch1)
    • Choose where to store your data
      • I would suggest to choose Region option because it offers lowest latency and single region. But if you want to get high availability you may consider to choose other location type options.
      • Then choose nearest location from you
    • Leave default for the rest of fields.
  3. Click CREATE
  4. Your bucket will be created and showed on GCS Browser success-create-bucket

Service Account

To recognized by Google Cloud Platform and interact with them. We have to set our service account.

  1. Go to GCP Console again, then navigate to Products > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts
  3. Fill Service account details by filling Service account name and Service account description then click CREATE
    Example: fill-service-account
  4. Click DONE
  5. Your service account can be seen on the main page service-account
  6. As you can see this service account doesn't have key yet. Thus we need to create first. On Action column click the icon then choose Manage keys
  7. On Keys page, click ADD KEY and choose Create new key.
  8. Choose JSON as the key type then click CREATE
  9. The key will be automatically created & downloaded to your computer. created-key


This json key will be needed when adding/editing Airflow Connections later. Thus please keep it safe.

Airflow Connections

To connect our Airflow with external system, we need to setup connections on Airflow.

  1. On http://localhost:8080, go to Admin > Connections
  2. Add or Edit current Connection. Search for Google Cloud conn type
  3. Input fields needed there:
    1. Conn Id (example: my_google_cloud_conn_id)
    2. Conn Type: Google Cloud
    3. Description (example: To interact with Google Cloud Platform such as upload data to GCS, load data from GCS to BigQuery, etc. )
    4. Keyfile Path. This path is where your service account key is located. Refer to that path and fill this field with those file path.
    5. Keyfile JSON. If you use Keyfile Path, leave this blank
    6. Number of Retries. Default value is 5, but I set to 2.
    7. Project Id. Set this value to your GCP Project Id.
    8. Scopes (comma separated). People on forum recommends to fill this with
    9. Click Save button
    10. Done! Everytime your Airflow connector needs GCP conn_id, just fill it with your Conn Id

Example: connections-airflow

Airflow Variables

Airflow Variables is very important if you want to set global value which can accessed to your DAGs. Here's how to do it:

  1. On http://localhost:8080 go to Admin > Variables
  2. Click the Plus (+) icon. Or you can just Import Variables which is json file containing key value of variables.
  3. At very least, this projects must have this Variables:
    1. BASE_PATH
  4. Done! Now your DAGs can access this variable by using:
    from airflow.models.variable import Variable
    DATASET_ID = Variable.get("DATASET_ID")

Example: variables-airflow


  • This is DAGs result of this project dags-airflow

  • Stored data on Google Cloud Storage data-gcs

  • The result of loaded table in Data Warehouse which using BigQuery loaded-table-bq

How to Use

Everytime you want to run Native Airflow on your computer. Do this:

  1. Activate your virtual environment by executing source venv/bin/activate
  2. Run airflow webserver --port 8080 at your current terminal
  3. Run airflow scheduler on your other terminal.
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080


Building Data Warehouse on BigQuery which takes flat file as the data sources with Airflow as the Orchestrator







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