C static library for interfacing a matrix keypad to a Raspberry Pi.
- Requires bcm2535 library from Mike McCauley ([email protected]): http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/
- Change keypad.h as required to fit your needs and connections (see connections section below)
- Link with the provided keypad.a library and use the keypad.h header
The following methods are provided:
- init_keypad() : call it before anything to initialize the GPIOs and bcm2535 library
- get_key() : polls for a key returns the mapped value as char or 0 if no key is pressed
- wait_key(): waits for a key to be pressed
Use this as reference for the keypad:
The bcm2535 library uses the P1 connector labeling.
cols[] array in the header defines the columns starting from the leftmost. rows[] array in the header defines the rows starting from the uppermost.