In process
is a command line program that captures the word guesses a player enters and gives you a list of the words matching the guesses.
Let's play a game:
The game is showing that the 'T' is present in the correct word, but that it will not be found in column 2.
Hence, modify the code in src/Main.purs
as follows:
userInput :: UserInput
userInput = UserInput
{ plays:
, found: "....."
, other:
[ Tuple 2 'T'
Run the program in the terminal:
spago run > doc/playedGames/output1.txt
Out of the almost 5,000 words in the available 5-char per word list, only 165 are candidates.
Add the "BUILD" to the plays
and the tuples for the 'I' that is not in column 3 and the 'L' that is not in column 4.
Hence, modify the code in src/Main.purs
as follows:
userInput :: UserInput
userInput = UserInput
{ plays:
, found: "....."
, other:
[ Tuple 2 'T'
, Tuple 3 'I'
, Tuple 4 'L'
Run the program in the terminal:
spago run > doc/playedGames/output2.txt
Out of the almost 5,000 words in the available 5-char per word list, now only 15 are candidates.
When scanning the output, I noticed that "SPLIT" was the only word that didn't have an "I" in the 2nd column so I guessed that one. So I modified the code to
- Add "SPLIT" to
. - Add two more tuples indicating that 'I' and 'L' are not in their respective positions either.
- And, this is new, specify that the answer word has a 'T' in its column 5.
Note: 'T' is reassigned to a fix position when "SPLIT" is added. This effectively replaces the assignment as an
when the first word "ATONE" was added. You don't have to remove theTuple 2 'T' from the
other` field.
Hence, modify the code in src/Main.purs
as follows:
userInput :: UserInput
userInput = UserInput
{ plays:
, found: "....T"
, other:
[ Tuple 2 'T'
, Tuple 3 'I'
, Tuple 4 'L'
Run the program in the terminal:
spago run > doc/playedGames/output3.txt
Out of the almost 5,000 words in the available 5-char per word list, now only 3 are candidates.
There are only 3 possibilities left.
My gut said that "LIGHT" is the right answer, so I specified that. And, lo, it was a lucky guess.
The puzzle is solved.