G'day I'm Oliver, currently a final year student studying computer science and aerospace engineering at UNSW Sydney!
🎓 I'm currently studying @ UNSW:
- DESN3000 (Strategic Design Innovation)
- COMP6771 (Advanced C++ Programming)
- MMAN4951 (Research Thesis A)
👨🏫 I'm also a casual academic @ UNSW where I'm tutoring/have tutored the following courses:
- School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- COMP1531 (Software Engineering Fundamentals)
- COMP6080 (Web Frontend Programming)
- COMP3900 (Computer Science Capstone Project)
- School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- AERO9610 (The Space Segment)
You can reach me via LinkedIn, my personal website or by email: [email protected]