Arabic Math Solver is an Android Application that has the Ability to recognize and solve handwritten equations in Arabic notation.
The application provides support to solve a wide range of mathematical problems
e.g. (Simplifying - Solving Polynomials - Integration - Differentiation).
Light Theme | Dark Theme |
The user has the ability to use Pen and Eraser to freely draw the equation he wants.
Using Eraser | Using Pen |
The user has unlimited space to write the equation using Resize (2 Fingers) & Move (1 Finger) Button.
Resize | Move |
These are some assumptions that should be followed while using our application to have the best experience with it.
- All characters, symbols and trigonometric symbols that have dots (except division sign ÷) should be written without any dots.
Letters | Trigonometric Symbols |
- All characters and symbols drawn are not intersecting at any point, a valid space that separates any two symbols from each other can be always found.
- The equation is drawn horizontally without any major inclinations.
Valid equation | invalid equation |
Valid fraction | invalid fraction |
- The line of square root should cover all including symbols beneath it.
Valid square root | invalid square root |
- Draw, in the drawing area, the equation you want to solve.
- Choose one of the operations to apply on equation.
- Click on the solve button & wait for the solution to appear.
- If no errors happen during equation solving happens, the App will show the seen-Arabic-equation (المعادلة) along with its solution in the upper panel, otherwise; error (الخطأ) will show explaining why it failed.
N.B : incase of error, you may also want to pay attention to what is shown in the seen-Arabic-equation (المعادلة) part to ensure that there are no wrong symbols seen.
Polynomial (إيجاد حدود) | Simplification (تبسيط) | Differentiation (تفاضل) | Integration (تكامل) |
This application is released under GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE).
For more details, see the graduation project book.