Fungible Tokens OmniBridge AMB Extension 1.1.0
Merge the develop branch to the master branch, preparation to v1.1.0
This update for the `master` branch contains the changes addressed the findings discovered during a security audit:
* [Improvement] Add claiming of stkAAVE rewards (#65)
* [Fix] Small gas optimization after EIP2929 (#58)
* [Fix] Fix interest impl comments (#59)
* [Fix] Use single delete (#62)
* [Fix] Fix minor issues (#63)
* [Fix] Lazy AAVE token balance query (#60)
* [Fix] Stricter preconditions for payInterest (#57)
* [Fix] Use SafeERC20 in interest implementations (#64)
* [Fix] Use SafeERC20.safeApprove (#67)
* [Other] Bump package and contracts interfaces version prior to 1.1.0 (#66)