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Set of my personal dotfiles. Feel free to use any part you find useful. Do not install those as-is as there are several specific personal settings (as git name and email).

What dotfiles does it contain?

  • zsh
  • git
  • vim
  • Visual Studio Code


  • Clone this repo to convenient directory: git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
  • Symlink any dotfiles you like to home directory. Eg. .zshrc to ~/.zshrc: ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc


  • Install oh-my-zsh
  • Init and update submodules: git submodule update --init
  • Make zsh default shell: chsh -s `which zsh`
  • Logout and login again


  • Clone vundle: git clone ~/.dotfiles/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • Install all plugins: vim +PluginInstall +qall (or from within vim: :PluginInstall)

Cargo plugins

These are some useful Cargo addons that should be installed:

  • cargo-edit
  • cargo-audit
  • cargo-outdated
  • cargo-tree
  • cargo-readme
  • cargo-expand

Extending .zshrc

.zshrc always sources .localrc if it exists. Put whatever additional aliases or commands there. .localrc is the last thing in .zshrc, so feel free to override anything you don't like also.

If you wish to extend PATH, you should do it in ~/.zshenv as it's sourced on every shell invocation.