LitIO is a serialization/deserialization tool developed in C#, designed to be lightweight. The name is derived from "Litio," the Spanish term for Lithium, chosen for its association with lightweight properties.
LitIO 是用 C# 编写的序列化 / 反序列化工具,足够轻量级。名字取自于 Litio,锂——同样轻量级。
The ByteWriter.Write<T> and ByteReader.Read<T> methods can be used with any value type data structures.
ByteWriter.Write<T> 和 ByteReader.Read<T> 方法可以用于任意值类型数据结构。
Reading and writing arrays and strings will occupy an ushort as an information header to store length information.
数组和字符串的读写会自动占用一个 ushort 作为信息头储存长度信息。
If manual calculation of data length is needed, the ByteCounter interface can be used.
如果需要手动计算数据长度,可以使用 ByteCounter 接口。
Stable and available.
// Serialization
public void WriteTo(byte[] dst, ref int offset) {
int offset = 0;
ByteWriter.Write<sbyte>(dst, status, ref offset);
ByteWriter.WriteUTF8StringArray(dst, userNames, ref offset);
ByteWriter.WriteArray<Vector2>(dst, rolePoses, ref offset);
// Deserialization
public void FromBytes(byte[] src, ref int offset) {
int offset = 0;
sbyte status = ByteReader.Read<sbyte>(src, ref offset);
string[] userNames = ByteReader.ReadUTF8StringArray(src, ref offset);
Vector2 rolePoses = ByteReader.ReadArray<Vector2>(src, ref offset);
// Evaluate
public int GetEvaluatedSize(out bool isCertain) {
isCertain = false;
int count = ByteCounter.Count<sbyte>()
+ ByteCounter.CountUTF8StringArray(userNames)
+ ByteCounter.CountArray<byte>(rolePoses);
return count;
Rill A Lightweight Networking Library Based On Socket And TCP.
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ssh://[email protected]/onovich/LitIO.git?path=/Assets/com.mortise.litio#main