Swing, a lightweight easing function library.
Swing provides easing functions, waveform functions, spline functions, which can be used for applications such as animations, trajectories, cameras, etc.
Swing 提供缓动函数、波形函数、样条函数,可用于动画 / 轨迹 / 相机等应用。
The project also provides a wealth of runtime examples.
Sway is a parallel version of the current library, independent of the Unity Engine, suitable for server-side use.
Sway 是当前库的平行版本,不依赖 Unity Engine,适用于服务端。
Stable and available.
Enum | Members |
EasingMode | None, EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut |
EasingType | Linear, Sine, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Expo, Circ, Back, Elastic, Bounce |
SplineType | Bezier, CatmullRom, Hermite, BSpline |
Static Class | Static Function | Args |
EasingHelper | EasingColor | Color start, Color end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
EasingHelper | EasingColor32 | Color32 start, Color32 end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
EasingHelper | Easing2D | Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
EasingHelper | Easing3D | Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
EasingHelper | Easing | float start, float end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
EasingHelper | EasingByte | byte start, byte end, float current, float duration, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
SplineHelper | Easing | Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float current, float duration, SplineType splineType |
SplineHelper | CalculateSplineLength | Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, SplineType splineType, int segments = 100 |
WaveHelper | EasingInWave | float frequency, float amplitude, float current, float duration, float phase, WaveType waveType, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
WaveHelper | EasingOutWave | float frequency, float amplitude, float current, float duration, float phase, WaveType waveType, EasingType type, EasingMode mode = EasingMode.None |
WaveHelper | Wave | float frequency, float amplitude, float current, float phase, WaveType waveType |
// In Unity Project
var timer = 10f;
Color color;
Vector2 pos;
float x;
void Update() {
timer -= Time.deltaTime;
color = EasingHelper.EasingColor(Color.black, Color.red, timer, 10f, EasingType.Sine, EasingMode.EaseInOut);
pos = EasingHelper.Easing2D(Vector2.zero, Vector2.one, timer, 10f, EasingType.Linear, EasingMode.None);
x = EasingHelper.Easing(-1f, 1f, timer, 10f, EasingType.Back, EasingMode.EaseIn);
ssh://[email protected]/onovich/Swing.git?path=/Assets/com.mortise.swing#main