Note: []
is used to denote a general case of something
- Primitives:
// Operators
// Verilog recognises standard C-style bitwise operations: & ^ ~ |
// Constants
// These are all the same:
7'b111; // Binary
7'h07; //Hex
7'd7; // Decimal
wire a; // wire is a 'type' that simply connects one signal to another. It doesn't hold values
wire [7:0] a_vector; // This is a 'bus', or an array of signals. Here it is 7 + 1 bits wide (Verilog uses 0 bit indexing)
reg b; // Registers hold values and can be set to new ones
reg [7:0] b; // 8-bit wide register
reg [7:0] c,d; // c, d are 8 bit wide buses
// Control structures
if (cond1)
else if (cond2)
// do something
// if you only have a single statement begin/end can be omitted
else (cond3)
case ([symbol])
[literal1] : [statement] // if you hhave multiple statements, use begin/end
default: [ statement]
- Circuits in Verilog are implemented as
. When you use them in bigger circuits, you 'instantiante' them by creating single instances of them. - All expressions in verilog are terminated by
module some_subcircuit (input a, b, c;
output out);
// module body
module big_supercircuit();
reg a, b, c;
output x;
some_subcircuit [instance_name](.a(a), .b(b), .c(c), .out(x)); //Now an instance of some_subcircuit exists in big_supercircuit
Take a look at and.v!
is a very important keyword in Verilog. It is used to createalways
blocks for sequential and combinational parts of your module. It watches for whatever is implied by@([condition])
always @(*) // since * is used in the condition, this always block is always true.
and_output = a & b;
always @(posedge clk) // allow this always block to run only when 'clk' goes from 0 to 1 (posedge)
// do something everytime clk becomes positive
is simply a shorthand for a combinational always block
assign and_output = a & b;
// is the same as
always @(*)
and_output = a & b;
Finish the implementation of not_func
in not.v
- Testbenches allow us to test the operation of a circuit, and also provide features that aren't synthesizable (meaning that they can't be physically implemented in say, a design file).
- A testbench is required to have a top level module with no inputs and outputs.
- When designing testbenches, simply imagine yourself setting some sequence inputs in some sequence and checking for the correct output.
- We can use
as a debug print statement (which is printed when the binary is run byvvp
) - Our setup uses
to see our waveforms. Therefore every testbench must include:
$dumpvars(0, [testbench top module]);
- To see what I'm talking about, take a look at
- This defines registers and wires that we will use to send inputs and get outputs to an instance of
. - We define a
to use as a helper function to check our output against some expected value and set error_cnt accordingly. - Our
block works as a sequence of inputs we provide.
Use add_tb.v
and not_tb.v
as a reference to finish implement xor_tb.v
- Very similar to combinational testbenches in that we still are essentially simulating a sequence of inputs, but our test bench module also needs to turn set a clock signal since our sequential circuits presumable use a clock and do certain operations only on a specific part of a clock cycle. We will look at this when we get to FSMs.
- Use what you have learnt to make test benches and modules to implement OR!
Use the case syntax to finish the ALU in alu.v
. The logical circuit modules have been instantiated for you. Test it against alu_tb.v
To understand how FSMs can be implemented in Verilog, lets implement a simple
CPU that uses our ALU and can execute basic operations. It has an 8-bit register file with 8 registers for general use. It also has PC
(program counter, or the address in memory the CPU is on), and IR
(hold the data from the memory pointed to by PC)
Our instructions are of the following format:
[2-bit opcode][register 1(3-bit)][register 2(3-bit)]
Which executes:
register 1 = register 1 (operation) register 2
Mind you, the operation can be and
, not
, and or
In instructions.v
is a simple module that looks at an input address and returns an instruction residing in 'memory' (but its really just a big if-statement)
However, the first 8 instructions (and corresponding states) are simply loading initial values into the 8 registers in your register file.
What follows are instructions that you can test and check if they execute.
An FSM has two components in HDL languages:
- Next State Logic: Use a combinational block to have the next state ready depending on your current state
- Execution logic: Use a sequantial block to do something depending on your current state. Also remember to set some behaviour for reset and always going to the next state! We will discuss some intuition behind these concepts in the session!
Finish cpu.v
and use gtkwave
to verify that the cpu executes the instructions correctly. Specifically, you need to implement next state logic for register load, along with logic to decide the instruction 'execution' stage you will jump to after incrementing PC
- Load Registers (
) - Load IR (
) - Increment PC (
) and also:
- if opcode(IR) == AND: Go to
- if opcode(IR) == XOR: Go to
- if opcode(IR) == NOT: Go to
- if opcode(IR) == OR: Go to
- Go to
If rst
is high, reset PC to 0 and go to reg_load