Verify Credit Card Number with Luhn Method -
- The Luhn method, also known as the mod-ten method, is one of the most basic methods to verify a credit card number. Just because a credit card number may pass the luhn algorithm, does not mean that the credit card is valid.
Get Issuer from Credit Card Number -
- One important piece of information that can be obtained from a credit card number is the issuer. Given the number, the module can identify who the credit card issuer is, or if the credit card issuer does not exist.
Check if the Valid Through Date Works -
- Blah.
Find Detailed Information about Credit Number -
- Blah.
- The power of the Rust Programming Language enables this module to have sub-millisecond response times. Speed may vary depending on your network connection, but the code itself will never be the performance bottleneck.
The code is under the Buisness Source License license. See the licensing.md file for more information.