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kojoty edited this page Apr 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Brief instructions in English

(extended version in Polish: here)

If you're reading this in English then we assume you know what to do (we will be brief).

  • Get the VM image: (OCPL-DEVEL Virtual Machine, version 8 (7zip, ~1,1GB, md5: b4437982e0dfbb3267e5aa25c9385dcb)). This VM will never be exactly up-to-date, but it should allow you to work on most of the OC modules.

  • Passwords:

    • Shell: username: user, password: ubuntu.
    • Shell root: Use sudo to execute commands as root.
    • MySQL: username: user, password: ubuntu.
    • MySQL root: username: root, password: toor.
    • Samba: user user, password ubuntu.
    • GUI: Once you have the web running, you can login as any user by using password haslo.
  • Setup:

    • Update the hosts file on your host (!) machine - bind your guest's IP address (the one from ifconfig) to and domains.

    • Update the code and database to their latest versions:

      • git pull in /srv/ocpl directory,
      • (just visit it in your host's browser),
      • (apply this diff to your VM's MySQL database),
      • You may be required to do some additional steps from time to time (e.g. install a missing dependency). Some of these dependencies might be list on our "VM TODO" list here (in Polish). Contact RT in case of problems.
    • If you intend to push your changes to the server:

      • Remember to update the code periodically (see above).
      • You may want to switch tracked repo url to your fork, or to SSH protocol.
      • Be aware that all the stuff you push to master branch goes online on our production servers immediately!
      • You need write access to our repo in order to push changes (contact us).

Also note, that some of our developers (esp. those who don't "like" Linux) chose to NOT use VM and they set up their environments themselves.