This repository has been ARCHIVED as the CKAN instance has been replaced by and no new work is planned.
Port of OpenDataPhilly to CKAN
- Make sure you have the development dependencies installed
- Clone the ckanext-odp_theme repository to this directory's parent directory
- Copy
and edit with your e-mail credentials. If e-mail credentials are left unconfigured, e-mails will not be sent out. - Run
vagrant up
; once the Ansible provisioner finishes, CKAN will be available at http://localhost:8025 - Creating a sysadmin user:
$ vagrant ssh app
vagrant@app:~$ . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
vagrant@app:~$ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan
vagrant@app:~$ ckan/ paster sysadmin add <USERNAME> -c /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
- Launch a server running Ubuntu 14.04. This server should be accessible from the deployment computer over SSH, and should have HTTP and HTTPS access to the internet.
- Copy
and enter the address of the server that was just launched. - Copy
and edit any settings you wish to change (see above). Make sure thatckan_site_url
matches the address at which you will access the site. - Run
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false ansible-playbook --private-key=/absolute/path/to/server/key/file.pem --user=ubuntu --inventory-file=deployment/ansible/hosts/hosts.staging deployment/ansible/staging.yml -v
Log into the remote server:
ssh-add KEY_FILE
ssh [email protected]
Install Postgres 9.4 client:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client-9.4
Export the database (replace PASSWORD with the database password, which you can find by looking for lines like these in /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
mkdir database_dumps && cd database_dumps
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_dump \
"postgresql://ckan_default:[email protected]/ckan_default" \
> ckan_default-`date -I`.sql
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_dump \
"postgresql://ckan_default:[email protected]/datastore_default" \
> ckan_datastore-`date -I`.sql
Log out of the remote server.
Copy the files to your local machine:
scp [email protected]:database_dumps/* .
Delete the export files from the server:
ssh [email protected] "rm -r database_dumps"
Start a Postgres 9.4 docker container:
docker run --name odp_export -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odp -d postgres:9.4
Create and import the main database:
docker run -i --rm -e PGPASSWORD=odp --link odp_export:postgres postgres:9.4 \
psql -h postgres -U postgres postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE ckan_default;"
docker run -i --rm -e PGPASSWORD=odp --link odp_export:postgres postgres:9.4 \
psql -h postgres -U postgres postgres -c "CREATE USER ckan_default;"
docker run -i --rm -e PGPASSWORD=odp --link odp_export:postgres postgres:9.4 \
psql -h postgres -U postgres ckan_default < ckan_default-`date -I`.sql
Make anonymizing queries.
You'll need the faker
python package, so either make a virtualenv, activate it, and run pip install faker
or just install it globally.
Run the command and write the resulting queries to a file:
./ > anon_queries.sql
Run the queries against the main database:
docker run -i --rm -e PGPASSWORD=odp --link odp_export:postgres postgres:9.4 \
psql -h postgres -U postgres ckan_default < anon_queries.sql
Export the sanitized database
docker run -i --rm -e PGPASSWORD=odp --link odp_export:postgres postgres:9.4 \
pg_dump -h postgres -U postgres -d ckan_default > ckan_default_sanitized-`date -I`.sql
Now that you have the sanitized version, you can delete the non-sanitized ckan_default
file and stop and remove the database container:
rm ckan_default-`date -I`.sql
docker stop odp_export && docker rm -v odp_export
Since SQL files compress quite a bit, put the two files into a tarball:
tar czvf ODP_db_dumps-`date -I`.tar.gz \
ckan_default_sanitized-`date -I`.sql ckan_datastore-`date -I`.sql
Now copy the .tar.gz
file to a suitable storage location and, if you're done with them, delete the separate files.
Extract the export files into your project root (or somewhere else that's within a directory that's mapped into the VM).
Import them (fill in the filenames and, if you put them in a different directory, adjust the paths):
vagrant ssh database<<EOF
export PGPASSWORD=ckan_default
psql -U ckan_default -h -d ckan_default -f /vagrant/ckan_default_sanitized-YYYY-MM-DD.sql
psql -U ckan_default -h -d datastore_default -f /vagrant/ckan_datastore-YYYY-MM-DD.sql
That should print a bunch of SQL messages.
Restart the services:
vagrant ssh app <<EOF
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service jetty restart
sudo ckan search-index rebuild -r
sudo ckan views create -y
Make an admin user, by running this then following the prompts:
vagrant ssh app -c 'sudo ckan sysadmin add admin'
Many of the images used on the site (such as the Topic icons and the Organization logo images) are stored as uploads. The files are on the server's file system and the Topic and Organization entities in the database store just the filename.
To get them working in development, download the images from the production server and upload them to your instance:
scp -r [email protected]:/var/lib/ckan/default/storage/uploads/ uploads
vagrant ssh app -c "sudo cp -r /vagrant/uploads/* /var/lib/ckan/default/storage/uploads/"