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Basic Produce (Token based authentication)

Hugo Sibilla edited this page Sep 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Basic Produce token-based authentication

This sample demonstrates how to produce records using a channel connection to the DXL streaming service. The sample repeatedly produces records and it logs a message for each successfully produced one. The channel connects to DXL streaming service using an identity token authentication mechanism. A producer record consists of four attributes: topic (mandatory), payload (mandatory), shardingKey (optional) and headers (optional).

Code highlights are shown below:

Sample Code

static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProduceRecordsWithToken.class);
String channelUrl = "";
String token = "TOKEN";
// Create a new Channel object to just produce records.
// Since produce action requires less parameters than consume action,
// many Channel parameters can be set to null.
Channel channel = new ChannelBuilder(channelUrl, new ChannelAuthToken(token), null)
                .withHttpProxy(new HttpProxySettings(PROXY_ENABLED,

// Set up a flag to stop producing records and to quit gracefully when
// the produce sample app is requested to end
final AtomicBoolean keepProducing = new AtomicBoolean(true);
// Set up a record counter which is appended to all record payloads to easily
// notice in the logs that different records are being produced
int recordCounter = 1;

// Produce records indefinitely
while (keepProducing.get()) {

    // Create Produce record
    final ProducerRecords producerRecords = new ProducerRecords();
            new ProducerRecords.ProducerRecord
                    .Builder("topic1", "Hello from OpenDXL - " + recordCounter)
                    .withHeaders(new HashMap<String, String>() {{
                        put("sourceId", "D5452543-E2FB-4585-8BE5-A61C3636819C");

    // produce the record
    channel.produce(producerRecords);"produced record - " + recordCounter);

The first step is to create a Channel instance, which establishes a channel to the streaming service. The channel must include the host and port to connect to the streaming service, channelUrl, and TOKEN that the client uses to authenticate itself to the service, new ChannelAuthToken(token). It may also specify a path to the streaming service, producerPathPrefix, an additional certificate, verifyCertificateBundle , and HTTP proxy settings new HttpProxySettings(...). If producerPathPrefix is not specified, then its default value, "/databus/cloudproxy/v1" will be used instead.

As records are produced by the sample, a log indicating the number of records produced up to now should be displayed to the output window. The output should appear similar to the following:

 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 1
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 2
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 3
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 4

Finally, when CTRL+C is pressed, then the example will end logging the following line:

INFO [Thread-0] ( - Shutdown app requested. Exiting

Run the sample


  • A DXL streaming service is available for the sample to connect to.
  • Credentials for a producer are available for use with the sample.


Modify the example to include the appropriate settings for the streaming service channel:

    private static final String CHANNEL_URL = "";
    private static final String TOKEN = "Your_Token";
    private static final String PRODUCER_TOPIC = "topic1";
    private static final String VERIFY_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
            + "Your Certificate if nedeed"
            + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";

    private static final boolean PROXY_ENABLED = true;
    private static final String PROXY_HOST = "";
    private static final int PROXY_PORT = 8080;
    private static final String PROXY_USR = "";
    private static final String PROXY_PWD = "";


To run this sample execute the runsample script as follows:

$ ./runsample sample.ProduceRecordsWithToken

As records are produced by the sample, a log line indicating the number of record being produced should be displayed to the output window.

 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 1
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 2
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 3
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 4
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 5
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 6
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 7
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 8
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 9
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 10
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 11
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 12
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 13
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 14
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 15
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 16
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 17
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 18
 INFO [main] ( - produced record - 19