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Ansible modules for using with OTC (addition to the native OpenStack modules)


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Ansible Collection

Ansible Collections for using with OTC (addition to the native OpenStack modules)

  • cloud - collection containing additional ansible modules for managing OTC specific resources (or modified OpenStack modules in case of behavioral differencies)


  • otcextension
  • openstacksdk (installed via otcextensions)


Run the following command to install the collection.

$ ansible-galaxy collection install

If you need further information to get started, please see section: Installation on a blank system in a Python virtual environment

Get started on a blank system in a Python virtual environment

Installation was tested on Ubuntu 20.04

Install python3-venv for Python virtual environment:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv

Create virtual environment ansiblevenv:

$ python3 -m venv ansiblevenv

Install dependencies for python package otcextensions which are described in its documentation:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc libssl-dev python3-dev

Enable virtual environment ansiblevenv:

$ source ansiblevenv/bin/activate

Install wheel, ansible and otcextensions:

(ansiblevenv) $ pip install wheel ansible otcextensions

Install collection from Ansible-Galaxy:

(ansiblevenv) $ ansible-galaxy collection install

Prepare credential file clouds.yaml and necessary folders to connect to your cloud:

(ansiblevenv) $ mkdir -p ~/.config/openstack/
(ansiblevenv) $ touch ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
(ansiblevenv) $ chmod 700 -R ~/.config/

Paste in the following content with your credentials:

# clouds.yaml

    profile: otc
      username: '<USER_NAME>'
      password: '<PASSWORD>'
      project_name: '<eu-de_project>'
      # or project_id: '<123456_PROJECT_ID>'
      user_domain_name: 'OTC00000000001000000xxx'
      # or user_domain_id: '<123456_DOMAIN_ID>'
      auth_url: ''
    interface: 'public'
    identity_api_version: 3 # !Important
    ak: '<AK_VALUE>' # AK/SK pair for access to OBS
    sk: '<SK_VALUE>'

Verify the installation process by creating a sample playbook which invokes all dependencies:

(ansiblevenv) $ vim opentelekomcloud.yaml
# opentelekomcloud.yaml

- hosts: localhost
    - name: Get NAT gateway info
        cloud: otc
      register: gw
    - name: debug configs
        var: gw.nat_gateways

Here you can find some examples of using OTC collection. All the examples are based on real usecases, and contains some tips and tricks.

Run the playbook to verify the functionality:

(ansiblevenv) $ ansible-playbook opentelekomcloud.yaml

# output without NAT gateways enabled

PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Get NAT gateway info] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [debug configs] ***********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "gw.nat_gateways": []

For Developers: additional steps

Create a path where you place your development files e.g.:

mkdir -p ~/ansible/ansible_collections/opentelekomcloud/

Clone the development files into your path and rename it to cloud.

cd ~/ansible/ansible_collections/opentelekomcloud/
git clone [email protected]:opentelekomcloud/ansible-collection-cloud.git cloud

Export the path variable and make it available for your system:

> /path/to/your/ansible/ansible_collections/
export ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS=/path/to/your/ansible/ansible_collections/

Validate the entry of your development environment by running the following command.

source ~/youransiblevenv/bin/activate
ansible-galaxy collection list