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Added a helper script for extracting an IR subgraph (#2168)
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### Changes

There recently have been cases of very large model IRs, for example for
LLMs which can't be opened by Netron. This makes it difficult to examine
model graph in general and Fake Quantize node placement in particular.

The added helper script allows to select a node from a graph and extract
some subgraph around it. To control how many surrounding nodes to
include, `distance` parameter is used.

#### Usage examples
python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858"
The result will be saved at `./openvino_Constant_1116858_10.xml`. An
additional symbolic link will be created at
`./openvino_Constant_1116858_10.bin` leading to original `.bin` file so
that weights for the subgraph IR are visible through Netron.

- Parameter `--distance` can be used to control the subgraph size (10 by
python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --distance 5
The result will be saved at `./openvino_Constant_1116858_5.xml`.

- Parameter `--output-path` can be used to control where to save the
result. It can either be a file path or a directory path.
python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --output-path ./subgraphs
The result will be saved at

python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --output-path ./subgraphs/Constant_1116858.xml
The result will be saved at `./subgraphs/Constant_1116858.xml`.

#### Simplifying usage
A file can be run like below
``` openvino.xml "Constant_1116858"
after performing the following steps
1. Add the directory with the `` file to PATH variable
2. Make it executable `chmod +x /path/to/`
3. Add `#!/path/to/python` as the first line of ``

### Reason for changes

Making it easier to analyze large graphs.
  • Loading branch information
nikita-savelyevv authored Oct 9, 2023
1 parent a97fff9 commit 881cca6
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import argparse
import os
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from copy import copy
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict

import defusedxml.ElementTree as dET
import networkx as nx

def xml_to_dict(element: ET.Element):
result = {}
if element.attrib:
result["attributes"] = element.attrib
for child in element:
child_dict = xml_to_dict(child)
if child.tag in result:
if isinstance(result[child.tag], list):
result[child.tag] = [result[child.tag], child_dict]
result[child.tag] = child_dict
if element.text:
result["text"] = element.text
if element.tail:
result["tail"] = element.tail
return result

def dict_to_xml(data: Any, parent: ET.Element):
if isinstance(data, dict):
for tag_name, value in data.items():
if tag_name == "attributes":
elif tag_name == "text":
parent.text = value
elif tag_name == "tail":
parent.tail = value
elif isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
elem = ET.SubElement(parent, tag_name)
dict_to_xml(item, elem)
elem = ET.SubElement(parent, tag_name)
dict_to_xml(value, elem)
parent.text = str(data)

def get_edges(xml_dict: Dict):
def add_edge(edges: Dict, from_layer: int, from_port: int, to_layer: int, to_port: int):
if from_layer not in edges:
edges[from_layer] = {}
if from_port not in edges[from_layer]:
edges[from_layer][from_port] = {}
assert (to_layer, to_port) not in edges[from_layer][from_port]
edges[from_layer][from_port][(to_layer, to_port)] = {}

edges = {}
for edge in xml_dict["edges"]["edge"]:
edge = edge["attributes"]

from_layer = int(edge["from-layer"])
from_port = int(edge["from-port"])
to_layer = int(edge["to-layer"])
to_port = int(edge["to-port"])

add_edge(edges, from_layer, from_port, to_layer, to_port)
add_edge(edges, to_layer, to_port, from_layer, from_port)

return edges

def get_nodes(xml_dict: Dict, edges: Dict):
all_node_names = set()
nodes = {}
for node in xml_dict["layers"]["layer"]:
attributes = node["attributes"]
data = node["data"]["attributes"] if "data" in node else None
inp = node["input"] if "input" in node else None
out = node["output"] if "output" in node else None

node_id = int(attributes["id"])
node_name = attributes["name"]
node_type = attributes["type"]

assert node_name not in all_node_names

assert node_id not in nodes
nodes[node_id] = {
"name": node_name,
"type": node_type,

node_dtype = data["element_type"] if data is not None and "element_type" in data else None
node_shape = data["shape"] if data is not None and "shape" in data else None
if node_dtype is not None:
nodes[node_id]["dtype"] = node_dtype
if node_shape is not None:
nodes[node_id]["shape"] = node_shape

input_ports = [] if inp is None else inp["port"]
output_ports = [] if out is None else out["port"]
if isinstance(input_ports, dict):
input_ports = [input_ports]
if isinstance(output_ports, dict):
output_ports = [output_ports]

for port, is_input in zip(
input_ports + output_ports, [True] * len(input_ports) + [False] * len(output_ports)
from_port = int(port["attributes"]["id"])
precision = port["attributes"]["precision"]
if "dim" in port["attributes"]:
dim = port["attributes"]["dim"]
elif "dim" in port:
dim = port["dim"]
dim = []
if isinstance(dim, dict):
dim = [dim]
shape = tuple(int(it["text"]) for it in dim)

# Update properties of the edges leading from this port
if from_port not in edges[node_id]:
# Some edge descriptions may be missing in execution graph
edge = edges[node_id][from_port]
for (to_node_id, to_port), edge_properties_dict in edge.items():
for name, value in zip(("precision", "shape", "is_input"), (precision, shape, is_input)):
assert name not in edge_properties_dict
edge_properties_dict[name] = value
except Exception as e:
raise e

return nodes

def create_nx_graph(xml_dict: Dict):
def get_node_label(nodes: Dict, node_id: int):
return nodes[node_id]["name"]

def get_edge_label(edges: Dict, nodes: Dict, from_node: int, from_port: int, to_node: int, to_port: int):
edge_properties = edges[from_node][from_port][(to_node, to_port)]
return f'"{edge_properties["shape"]}\n{from_port}->{to_port}"'

edges = get_edges(xml_dict)
nodes = get_nodes(xml_dict, edges)

G = nx.Graph()

# Add nodes
for node_id, node_properties in nodes.items():
node_properties_copy = copy(node_properties)
node_properties_copy["id"] = node_id
G.add_node(get_node_label(nodes, node_id), **node_properties_copy)

# Add edges
for node_id, from_port_dict in edges.items():
for from_port, to_port_dict in from_port_dict.items():
for (to_node_id, to_port), edge_properties in to_port_dict.items():
u_of_edge=get_node_label(nodes, node_id),
v_of_edge=get_node_label(nodes, to_node_id),
label=get_edge_label(edges, nodes, node_id, from_port, to_node_id, to_port),

return G

def write_xml(xml_dict: Dict, filepath: Path):
write_root = ET.Element("net")
dict_to_xml(xml_dict, write_root)
xml_str = ET.tostring(write_root).decode()
xml_str = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + xml_str + "\n"
with open(filepath, "w") as f:

def take_model_subgraph(xml_dict: Dict, source_node_name: str, distance: int):
# Create networkx graph from IR xml dictionary
G = create_nx_graph(xml_dict)

# Traverse graph from target node
dfs_tree = nx.traversal.dfs_tree(G, source=source_node_name, depth_limit=distance)
node_names = set(dfs_tree.nodes)
node_ids = set([G.nodes[it]["id"] for it in node_names])

# Keep only the visited nodes
result_xml_dict = deepcopy(xml_dict)
result_xml_dict["layers"]["layer"] = []
for layer in xml_dict["layers"]["layer"]:
node_name = layer["attributes"]["name"]
if node_name in node_names:

# Keep only the edges that connect the visited nodes
result_xml_dict["edges"]["edge"] = []
for edge in xml_dict["edges"]["edge"]:
from_layer = int(edge["attributes"]["from-layer"])
to_layer = int(edge["attributes"]["to-layer"])
if from_layer in node_ids or to_layer in node_ids:

return result_xml_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Extract a subgraph from a model in OpenVINO Intermediate Representation format.\n\nSubgraph is "
"taken around a given node. Use distance parameter to control how many nodes around the given one to include. "
"The resulting subgraph is saved next to the input .xml file or at --output_path if provided. Additionally, a "
"symbolic link targeting the original .bin file is created.",
epilog="Usage examples:\n"
' python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858"\n'
' python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --distance 5\n'
' python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --output-path ./subgraphs\n'
' python openvino.xml "Constant_1116858" --output-path ./subgraphs/Constant_1116858.xml\n',

parser.add_argument("input-path", help="Input IR path.")
parser.add_argument("node", help="Target node name.")
parser.add_argument("--distance", type=int, default=10, help="Distance around the target node (default 10).")
help="Output IR path. Can either be a file path with .xml extension or a directory path.",

args = parser.parse_args()

input_path = Path(args.__dict__["input-path"])
node_name = args.node
distance = args.distance
output_path = Path(args.output_path) if args.output_path is not None else None

if distance <= 0:
raise ValueError("Distance should be positive")

if output_path is None or output_path.suffix == "":
output_filename = f"{input_path.stem}_{Path(node_name).stem}_{distance}.xml"
if output_path is None:
output_dir = input_path.parent
output_path = input_path.parent / output_filename
output_dir = output_path
output_path = output_dir / output_filename
output_dir = output_path.parent

if output_path.exists():
raise ValueError(f"There is already and IR at {output_path}. Exiting.")

# Read IR xml as dict
tree = dET.parse(input_path)
root = tree.getroot()
xml_dict = xml_to_dict(root)

# Take subgraph
subgraph_xml_dict = take_model_subgraph(xml_dict, source_node_name=node_name, distance=distance)

# Save subgraph xml
if not output_dir.exists():
write_xml(subgraph_xml_dict, output_path)

# Create a symbolic link to original .bin file
bin_input_path = input_path.with_suffix(".bin")
bin_output_path = output_path.with_suffix(".bin")
if bin_output_path.exists():
bin_output_path.symlink_to(os.path.relpath(bin_input_path, bin_output_path.parent))
except OSError as e:
if "[WinError 1314]" in str(e):
if bin_input_path.exists():
print("Copying original .bin file because can't create a symbolic link due to lack of admin privileges")
shutil.copy(bin_input_path, bin_output_path)
print("Didn't create a copy of original .bin file because it is missing")
raise e

print("Saved at:", output_path)

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