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[DO NOT MERGE] Rope decomposition by Sergey #27554

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// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include "core/null_node.hpp"
#include "core/operator_set.hpp"
#include "openvino/frontend/exception.hpp"

// TODO: Filter out unused headers

#include "openvino/op/add.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/broadcast.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/concat.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/constant.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/convert.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/divide.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/equal.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/floor.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/floor_mod.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/gather.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/greater.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/greater_eq.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/less.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/log.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/logical_not.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/logical_or.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/matmul.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/maximum.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/multiply.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/pad.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/range.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/reshape.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/scaled_dot_product_attention.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/scatter_update.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/select.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/shape_of.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/softmax.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/split.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/slice.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/sqrt.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/squeeze.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/subtract.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/transpose.hpp"
#include "openvino/op/unsqueeze.hpp"

#include "utils/split.hpp"
using namespace ov::op;
using ov::Shape;

namespace ov {
namespace frontend {
namespace onnx {
namespace com_microsoft {
namespace detail {
namespace {

using v1::Split;
using v0::Constant;
using v1::Multiply;
using v1::Add;
using v8::Slice;
using v0::Concat;
using v1::Subtract;
using v3::ShapeOf;
using v3::Broadcast;
using v1::Reshape;
using v0::Unsqueeze;
using v4::Range;
using v3::ScatterUpdate;
using v15::Squeeze;
using Output = ov::Output<ov::Node>;
using std::make_shared;

// FIXME: Reuse the same function from file attention.cpp, but it requires a bit of adaptation -- I have redesigned part of the inputs a bit here and in the helper functions below
ov::NodeVector split_to_QKV(const Output& node,
int64_t num_heads,
const std::vector<int64_t>& qkv_hidden_sizes);

Output get_elements(const Output& shape, const std::vector<int>& dims) {
static const auto zero = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i32, ov::Shape{}, {0});
const auto dims_const = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i32, ov::Shape{dims.size()}, dims);
return std::make_shared<v8::Gather>(shape, dims_const, zero);

Output get_dimensions(const Output& node, const std::vector<int>& dims) {
return get_elements(std::make_shared<v3::ShapeOf>(node, element::i32), dims);

Output rope(
const Output& x,
const Output& cos_cache,
const Output& sin_cache,
bool interleaved,
const Output& head_size,
const Output& pos_id_begin,
const Output& pos_id_end
) {
OPENVINO_ASSERT(!interleaved, "rotary_interleaved is not supported"); // TODO: Support interleaved mode

Output zero = Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{1}, {0});
Output step = Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{1}, {1});

// cut for the current sequence length
Output cos = make_shared<Slice>(cos_cache, pos_id_begin, pos_id_end, step, zero);
Output sin = make_shared<Slice>(sin_cache, pos_id_begin, pos_id_end, step, zero);

OutputVector x_split = make_shared<Split>(x, Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{}, {-1}), 2)->outputs();

Output res_0 = make_shared<Subtract>(
make_shared<Multiply>(x_split[0], cos),
make_shared<Multiply>(x_split[1], sin)

Output res_1 = make_shared<Add>(
make_shared<Multiply>(x_split[0], sin),
make_shared<Multiply>(x_split[1], cos)

return make_shared<Concat>(OutputVector{res_0, res_1}, -1);

Output broadcast_groups(const Output& cache, const int num_kv_heads, const int num_heads) {
if(num_kv_heads == 1 || num_kv_heads == num_heads) {
// No broadcast or there is the broadcast that SDPA broadcastability can handle
return cache;

OPENVINO_ASSERT(num_heads % num_kv_heads == 0);
const auto broadcast_multiplier = num_heads/num_kv_heads;

auto unsqueeze = make_shared<Unsqueeze>(cache, Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{}, {2}));
auto shapeof = make_shared<ShapeOf>(cache, element::i32);

auto broadcast_shape = make_shared<Concat>(OutputVector{
get_elements(shapeof, {0, 1}),
Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{1}, {broadcast_multiplier}),
get_elements(shapeof, {2, 3})
}, 0);

auto broadcast = make_shared<Broadcast>(unsqueeze, broadcast_shape);

auto reshape_shape = make_shared<Concat>(OutputVector{
Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{3}, {0, num_heads, -1}),
get_elements(shapeof, {3})
}, 0);

auto reshape = make_shared<Reshape>(broadcast, reshape_shape, true);

return reshape;

Output concat_cache(const Output& past, const Output& current) {
return make_shared<Concat>(ov::OutputVector{past, current}, 2); // 2 is the dimension index that corresponds to sequence len

Output squeeze_1d(const Output& x) {
return make_shared<Squeeze>(x, Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{0}, {1}));

Output update_cache(const Output& past, const Output& current, const Output& past_len) {
Output update_len = get_dimensions(current, {2});
Output update_end = make_shared<Add>(past_len, update_len);
Output update_indices = make_shared<Range>(squeeze_1d(past_len), squeeze_1d(update_end), Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{}, {1}), element::i32);
return make_shared<ScatterUpdate>(past, update_indices, current, Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{1}, {2})); // 2 is the dimension index that corresponds to sequence len

ov::OutputVector group_query_attention_decomposition(
const ov::OutputVector& inputs,
int num_heads,
bool rotary_interleaved,
int kv_num_heads
) {
const auto& input = inputs[0];

Output Q, K, V, head_size;

if(ov::op::util::is_null(inputs[1]) || ov::op::util::is_null(inputs[2])) {
const auto split_result = detail::split_to_QKV(input, num_heads, {});
Q = split_result[0];
K = split_result[1];
V = split_result[2];
head_size = split_result[3];
} else {
Q = input;
K = inputs[1];
V = inputs[2];
head_size = detail::get_dimensions(Q, {-1});

const auto& past_K = inputs[3];
const auto& past_V = inputs[4];
const auto& seqlens_k = inputs[5];
const auto& total_sequence_length = inputs[6];
const auto& cos = inputs[7];
const auto& sin = inputs[8];

// FIXME: It works only when KV cache is dynamically growing and doesn't have unused space inside. So it is not compatible with statically-shaped KV cache.
// const auto past_seq_len = detail::get_dimensions(past_K, {0});
// TODO: GQA spec is not compatible with test model. Spec supposes 1D tensor, in the test model we have 2D tensor, flattening to work in both cases.

// FIXME: Unaligned elements in KV cache are not supported.
// We just get the first of the seq lens as a common value for all past sequences ignoring others, under assumption that they are all the same
const auto& past_seq_len = detail::get_elements(std::make_shared<v1::Reshape>(seqlens_k, v0::Constant::create(element::i32, Shape{1}, {-1}), false), {0});

Q = rope(Q, cos, sin, rotary_interleaved, head_size, past_seq_len, total_sequence_length);
K = rope(K, cos, sin, rotary_interleaved, head_size, past_seq_len, total_sequence_length);

if(past_K.get_partial_shape()[2].is_dynamic()) {
K = concat_cache(past_K, K);
} else {
K = update_cache(past_K, K, past_seq_len);

if(past_V.get_partial_shape()[2].is_dynamic()) {
V = concat_cache(past_V, V);
} else {
V = update_cache(past_V, V, past_seq_len);

K = broadcast_groups(K, kv_num_heads, num_heads);
V = broadcast_groups(V, kv_num_heads, num_heads);

// FIXME: Unaligned batch of sequences is not supported. All past key-value are assumed to have the same length.
// That means all input sequence lengths should be the same and match input.shape[2]
// We do not check that here because it depends on runtime values.
// If we want to implement not aligned batch of dimensions we have to form not uniform causal mask for attention that
// adds a significant porition of the code.

// FIXME: The same tensor at input/output of past/preset K and V are not supported.
// It requires more complex tensor manipulations that are introduce overhead into pure tensor-value data flow and should be implemented if we really have demand for that.
// Also inplace KV-cache modification logic is not supported efficiently in any plugins (CPU, GPU and NPU).

auto output = make_shared<v13::ScaledDotProductAttention>(Q, K, V, true);

return {output, K, V};

} // namespace
} // namespace detail

namespace opset_1 {
ov::OutputVector group_query_attention(const ov::frontend::onnx::Node& node) {
return detail::group_query_attention_decomposition(
static_cast<bool>(node.get_attribute_value<int64_t>("rotary_interleaved", 0)),

ONNX_OP("GroupQueryAttention", OPSET_SINCE(1), com_microsoft::opset_1::group_query_attention, MICROSOFT_DOMAIN);

} // namespace opset_1

namespace detail {
namespace {

std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> get_hidden_size(const std::shared_ptr<v3::ShapeOf>& node_shape) {
// node has shape (batch_size, sequence_length, 3 * hidden_size)
const auto zero = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i32, ov::Shape{}, {0});
const auto hidden_size_x3 = get_elements(node_shape, {2});
const auto three = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i64, ov::Shape{}, {3});
const auto hidden_size = std::make_shared<v1::Divide>(hidden_size_x3, three);
return hidden_size;

ov::NodeVector split_to_QKV(const Output& node,
int64_t num_heads,
const std::vector<int64_t>& qkv_hidden_sizes) {
ov::OutputVector split;
std::shared_ptr<ov::Node> head_size = nullptr;
const auto& node_type = node.get_element_type();
const auto node_shape = std::make_shared<v3::ShapeOf>(node);
// node has shape (batch_size, sequence_length, 3 * hidden_size)
// fetch the first two dimensions
const auto batch_size_seq_len = get_elements(node_shape, {0, 1});
const auto num_heads_node = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i64, ov::Shape{1}, {num_heads});
if (qkv_hidden_sizes.size() == 0) {
const auto hidden_size = get_hidden_size(node_shape);
// head_size = hidden_size / num_heads
head_size = std::make_shared<v1::Divide>(hidden_size, num_heads_node);
// split the node into 3 even parts Q, K, V with shape (batch_size, sequence_len, hidden_size)
split = ov::op::util::make_split(node, 3, 2);
// and reshape each part to new shape (batch_size, sequence_len, num_heads, head_size)
auto new_shape = std::make_shared<v0::Concat>(ov::OutputVector{batch_size_seq_len, num_heads_node, head_size}, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) {
split[i] = std::make_shared<v1::Reshape>(split[i], new_shape, false);
head_size = std::make_shared<v0::Convert>(head_size, node_type);
} else {
// in this case, weights have shape
// (input_hidden_size, qkv_hidden_sizes[0] + qkv_hidden_sizes[1] + qkv_hidden_sizes[2])
// so user specified hidden_sizes for Q, K and V
FRONT_END_GENERAL_CHECK(qkv_hidden_sizes.size() == 3, "qkv_hidden_sizes attribute needs to have 3 values");
FRONT_END_GENERAL_CHECK(qkv_hidden_sizes[0] == qkv_hidden_sizes[1],
"qkv_hidden_sizes first element should be same as the second");
// split the node into 3 parts Q, K, V with shapes
// Q: (batch_size, sequence_len, qkv_hidden_sizes[0])
// K: (batch_size, sequence_len, qkv_hidden_sizes[1])
// V: (batch_size, sequence_len, qkv_hidden_sizes[2])
split = ov::op::util::make_split(node, qkv_hidden_sizes, 2);
// and reshape each part to new shape (batch_size, sequence_len, num_heads, head_size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) {
auto new_shape = std::make_shared<v0::Concat>(
v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i64, ov::Shape{1}, {qkv_hidden_sizes[i] / num_heads})},
split[i] = std::make_shared<v1::Reshape>(split[i], new_shape, false);
float head_size_val = qkv_hidden_sizes[0] > 0 ? static_cast<float>(qkv_hidden_sizes[0]) / num_heads
: static_cast<float>(qkv_hidden_sizes[2]) / num_heads;
head_size = v0::Constant::create(node_type, ov::Shape{1}, {head_size_val});

// transpose Q, K and V to (batch_size, num_heads, sequence_len, head_size)
auto perm = v0::Constant::create(ov::element::i64, ov::Shape{4}, {0, 2, 1, 3});
auto Q = std::make_shared<v1::Transpose>(split[0], perm);
auto K = std::make_shared<v1::Transpose>(split[1], perm);
auto V = std::make_shared<v1::Transpose>(split[2], perm);

return {Q, K, V, head_size};

} // namespace
} // namespace detail
} // namespace com_microsoft
} // namespace onnx
} // namespace frontend
} // namespace ov