This SCSI device driver exposes the SCSI (metadata.hw:passthrough=true) cinder volumes on Bare Metal (Ironic) servers in Open Telekom Cloud. The device driver supports specific Huawei SDI add-in cards (SD100EP - 19e5:1610).
- kernel-headers
- kernel-devel
- dos2unix
- elfutils-libelf-devel
- binutils
# SUSE based
$ sudo zypper in kernel-source kernel-default-devel dos2unix binutils make gcc
# yum/dnf based
$ sudo dnf install kernel-headers kernel-devel dos2unix binutils make gcc
# debain based
$ sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-source dos2unix binutils make gcc
# build kernel module
$ make
# clean up directory
$ make clean
$ [sudo] modinfo ./scsi_ep_front.ko
Sometimes there is a missing or defect symlink under /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/
for build
$ cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/
$ ls -al
$ sudo unlink build
$ sudo ln -s /usr/src/kernels/$(uanme -r) build
- Reorganisation of the original repository
- Fixing some errors and make the kernel module compatibel with newer kernels.
SD100 Card Driver Project version: SD100 V100R001C00SPC106B010
The following is the readme file of SD100 Card driver. From this file, you will learn how to build SD100 kernel driver and kernel rpm install package.
- Install the rpmbuild package
- Install kernel development enviroment package
e.g. kernel version of suse11 sp4 is 3.0.101-100, we should install kernel-source-3.0.101-100.1.x86_64.rpm and kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-100.1.x86_64.rpm these two packages.
- Intall gcc
- Modify the configuration file: /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires.ksyms as shown below
case "$1" in
kernel-module-*) ;;
kernel*) is_kernel_package=1 ;;
scsi_ep_front) is_kernel_package=1 ;; #add this line in the file
- Enter the scsi_ep_front directory
- Replace Makefile with tempalte file Makefile_your_os_name, if your OS isn't in the makefile list, you should create one tmeplate by yourslef
NOTE: Makfile_Suse and Makefile_redhat are difference. We CANN'T use Makefile_Suse as template to build reahat rpm package.
- Open Makefile and change KERNELDIR to the kernel source directory in your OS. KERNELINST must be the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ directory
e.g. when we build suse 11sp4 which kernel version is 3.0.101-100-default kernel driver,we should modify Makefile as shown below:
KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/3.0.101-100-default/build/
KERNELINST ?= /lib/modules/3.0.101-100-default/
- build rpm package as follows commands.
make clean
make srpm
The rpm package will be build in the ./x86_64/ directory
- compile the drivers as follows commands.
make clean
The kernel driver scsi_ep_front.ko will be create in current directory.