The website uses the flask web-framework. If you have any problems on how to operate with flask, this tutorial will give you some insight: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world.
To start the website, simply execute the run.py script in the main directory.
The /app/views.py file contains all the backend for the website.
The /app/datastore.py file cleans and runs dolikejavac on each project listed in the corpus.json file. It then store the results into a database.
The /app/reset.py file when run, deletes all data in the mongodb collection.
The /app/__init__.py file creates the application object of class Flask and imports the views module (needed for the flask web-framework).
The /app/bashinput.py file is a bash script designed to obtain user inputs, it then outputs analytical graphs in png format at the /app/graphs directory. It has the same functionality as the website.
The /app/templates directory contains all the html files needed for the front-end of the website. base.html is the homepage of the website. graphs.html is the page that displays all the analytical graphs.
- The scripts in this repository use the pygal python library to generate analytical graphs.
For the full pygal documentation: http://pygal.org/en/stable/index.html
Install pygal by:
pip install pygal
When using the /app/bashinput.py file to generate graphs in png format, if the png file ends up turning black; installing lxml, tinycss and cssselect should fix the issue.
The graph generation scripts in this repository uses mongodb as its database. Please install mongodb with instructions in: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/.
The scripts in this repository uses pymongo to communicate with mongodb. Make sure pymongo is installed.
Install pymongo by:
python -m pip install pymongo