Kubernetest Certification
Tested on Kubernetes 1.21 -> 1.27
- v1.27.1
- v1.26.3
- v1.25.8
- v1.24.12
- v1.23.17
- v1.22.17
- v1.21.14
Tested with NetworkPolicy resources on Kubernetes 1.22 -> 1.27
Tested on Minikube Kubernetes versions:
- v1.27.1
- v1.26.3
- v1.25.8
- v1.24.12
What's Changed
- Allow unsafe shutdown of a Coherence cluster by @thegridman in #589
- Allow the individual parts of the Operator images to be set using separate values in the Helm char (Documented in the Installation Guide by @thegridman in #590
- Minor updates to Federation Dashboards by @tmiddlet2666 in #588
- Allow the WKA setting to be fully overridden by @thegridman in #591
- Make smaller CRD and update Coherence certification versions (Documented in the Install Guide - RBAC section by @thegridman in #592
- Allow additional labels and annotations to be specified when installing the Operator with Helm by @thegridman in #595
- Update K8s versions in certification tests by @thegridman in #596
Full Changelog: v3.2.10...v3.2.11