A reference implementation of the rune protocol. The goal of this project is to find consensus around the rune protocol and implement an index.
cargo test
- https://runescan.space/ (web)
- https://geniidata.com/user/poshi/rune-index (web)
- https://github.com/alphabatem/btc_rune (GO)
- https://github.com/Anarkoic/runes (Python)
- https://gist.github.com/revofusion/ba74dc11e0b007feba84b7b492e5ee87 (Javascript)
- https://github.com/rot13maxi/ruin (Rust)
- https://github.com/casey/runestone (Rust)
Let's examine the hex of the first ordinalswallet rune tx. See https://mempool.space/api/tx/1aa98283f61cea9125aea58441067baca2533e2bbf8218b5e4f9ef7b8c0d8c30/hex
The rune data is provided within the ScriptPubKey section, introduced by the OP_RETURN opcode, 0x6a. It is divided into substrings by OP_PUSHBYTES opcodes, here 0x01, 0x0b, 0x0a:
- 0601520b0001ff00752b7d000000000aff987806010000000012
= OP_RETURN 01 52 0b 0001ff00752b7d00000000 0a ff987806010000000012
-> datapush R, datapush transfer, datapush issuance
R: All rune tx start their ScriptPubKey with 1 pushbyte encoding the letter R in hex:
- 0x 01 52
= R
transfer: This is followed by a transfer data push:
- 0x 0b 0001ff00752b7d00000000
= OP_PUSHBYTES_11 00 01 ff 00 75 2b 7d 00 00 00 00
= 00, 01, 00 00 00 00 7d 2b 75 00
= ID (hex) 0, OUTPUT (hex) 1, AMOUNT (varint) 21000000
issuance: In a mint tx this is then followed by an additional issuance data push:
- 0x 0a ff987806010000000012
= OP_PUSHBYTES_10 ff 98 78 06 01 00 00 00 00 12
= 00 00 00 00 01 06 78 98, 12
= SYMBOL (base26) RUNE, DECIMALS (hex) 18
Note that the ordinalswallet implementation is encoding the Symbol through Base64 and varint into little endian!
How to decode the Symbol pushstring: ff 98 78 06 01 00 00 00 00
- 0xff tells us the next 8 bytes are little endian, which means we need to swap them around:
00 00 00 00 01 06 78 98 - This hex decodes to a decimal:
17201304 - Which in turn decodes to a character string via base26 with 00=A:
17 20 13 04