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10 repositories
PublicA FREE pragmatic DevOps roadmap to kickstart your DevOps career in the Cloud Native era following the Agile MVP style! ⭐ (2025 plans for DevOps, Cloud, Platform, SRE, SWE)kustomize-plugin-merger
Public🔀 Merger 🔀 A Kustomize plugin generating manifests seamlessly by extending Kustomize merge strategies (schemaless StrategicMerge)..github
PublicA curated and collaborative list of awesome Kustomize resourceskubech
PublicFix the cloud native-control plane paradox! Start the initial setup of Crossplane from a local Kubernetes clusterawesome-crossplane
PublicA curated and collaborative list of awesome Crossplane resourcesdevops-coding-mentorship
Public- A plugin built around Kubeconform to validate manifests schema within Kusomize.