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11 repositories
PublicA complete open source system for tracking and visualizing cryptocurrency price movements on leading exchangesEthereumVoiceService
PublicAn Alexa voice service that interfaces with the StreamingEther open data channel on the Satori platformStreamingEther
PublicHarbor enables societies and communities to more efficiently and effectively aid new citizens and those seeking asylum.HarborBiometrics
PublicBiometric verification, identification, and estimation for Harbor.DockerOpenBR
PublicDecentralized network for Harbor.SpotExchangeML
PublicIBM Watson Machine Learning Suite for SpotExchange.SpotExchangeApp
PublicDockerized Ionic 2 mobile frontend for SpotExchange.- MongoDB replicated on-chain and off-chain identity management.
PublicDecentralized Marketplace built on Hyperledger Fabric. This business network allows listing of spots, enforcing contracts, managing participants.