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vwc-snackbar / 2.43.1

vwc-snackbar 2.43.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vonage/vwc-snackbar@2.43.1
Install via package.json:
"@vonage/vwc-snackbar": "2.43.1"

About this version


vwc-snackbar component dedicated to provide a short-time living and non intrusive / interruptive user notification.

	header="Header (optional)"
	message="The message of the snackbar goes here"
	<vwc-button slot="action" layout="outlined">Show more</vwc-button>

The visiblity time is set by default to 4000 ms and may be extended to maximum 10000 ms via API.

vwc-snackbar can be configured as dismissible, in which case user will be provided with a dismiss button. This won't change the auto-dismiss behaviour, but will let the user to close the snackbar even earlier.

vwc-snackbar allows to add a single action button, if needed. This is achievable via the action slot, as in example above and read more on this in API section below.

Legacy (Volta)

To have the vwc-snackbar appearance matching the legacy Volta, please use legacy attribute.


vwc-snackbar is a 'floating' component. Position of the vwc-snackbar is determined by fixed and thus relative to the viewport in vast majority of cases. Relative position (top/bottom etc), as well as snackbar's contents, are customizable.


Attributes / Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
position position `"TOP-START" "TOP-CENTER" "TOP-END"
connotaion connotation `"alert" "announcement" "cta"
icon icon string undefined icon type to show, if any
header header string undefined header of the message body (will be reflected in legacy flavor ONLY)
message message string undefined message of the message body
dismissible dismissible boolean absent (false) when property set to true (attribute present) the dismiss button will be shown
timeoutMs timeoutms number (4000-10000) 5000 time to wait (in millis) till the snackbar auto dismiss


Method Arguments Result Description
open void opens the snackbar
close (reason: string) void closes the snackbar with specified reason, if any (this reason will be passed on via the closing/closed events detail.reason)


Closing events are supplied with detailed reason, which may be either action in case the action button used, or dismiss.

Therefore, although consumer might be using the own button supplied via slot (see below) to hook and act on clicks, it is a better approach to actually listen on the events of snackbar and act according the the reason supplied.

Event Details Description
opening fired when the snackbar starts an opening animation
opened firer when the snackbar full shown (post animation)
closing `{ "reason": "action" "dismiss" }`
closed `{ "reason": "action" "dismiss" }`


Beside an obvious customizations via the properties/attributes, which include the connontation color, icon, and text, consumer can provide an action button via the slot.

Name Required Description
action no action button, which will close the snackbar with reason 'action'

Note: in order to comply with the design, please use outlined button (in legacy mode use filled one).



  • vwc-snackbar-2.43.1.tgz

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