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htmldiff / 0.2.4

htmldiff 0.2.4

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @woodwing/htmldiff@0.2.4
Install via package.json:
"@woodwing/htmldiff": "0.2.4"

About this version

#Woodwing's changes See wiki page


HTML Diffing in JavaScript

Build Status

htmldiff.js is a JavaScript port of by Keanu Lee at Inkling.

This is diffing that understands HTML. Best suited for cases when you want to show a diff of user-generated HTML (like from a wysiwyg editor).

##Usage You use it like this:

  diff = require('htmldiff.js');
  console.log(diff('<p>this is some text</p>', '<p>this is some more text</p>'));

And you get:

<p>this is some <ins>more </ins>text</p>


It should be multi-module aware. ie. it should work as a node.js module or an AMD (RequireJS) module, or even just as a script tag.

Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



  • htmldiff-0.2.4.tgz

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