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canvas-lms-app / 1.5.0

canvas-lms-app 1.5.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app@1.5.0
Install via package.json:
"@artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app": "1.5.0"

About this version

App for building custom JS & CSS for Canvas LMS themes

Using this application you can easily create plug-ins that add/modify functionality of the Canvas LMS UI.

This package provides the following functionality to make it easier to rapidly develop plug-ins:

  • Auth: Simple functions to determine enrollment type (etc).
  • DOM: Functions to detect if certain elements are added/removed.
  • I18n: Enables easy localization (using i18next framework).
  • Messages: Functions to add messages and notifications.
  • Router: Allows to run plug-in code only on certain pages while recieving all the parameters as variables. Also lets you create URLs based on routes.
  • Theme: A slightly modified theme to be used by Instructure UI components


Using NPM:

npm install @artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app

Using Yarn:

yarn add @artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app


Just import the Canvas app and your plug-ins and add them to the app:

import { run, addPlugin } from '@artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app';
import somePlugin from '@some-org/plugin';



For more information see 'How to set up your project'.

Note for developers

WARNING: some non compatible changes are introduced with the release of version 1.0.0.

Deprecated features

These features will be removed:

  • The following functions are no langer be supported:

    • addAppListener(): use router.onRoute('[name].*')
    • addRouteListener(): use router.onRoute()
    • router.addListener(): use router.onRoute()
    • getRouteUrl(): use router.getUrl()
    • addReadyListener(): use dom.onElementReady()
    • handle(path): use run()
  • The following routes will no longer be valid:

    • course: renamed to courses
    • profile.communication: renamed to profile.notifications

Service injection in older plug-ins

Services will no longer be injected in plug-ins. Instead import them at the top of your file:


export default function ({ router, dom, messages }) {
    // ...


import { router, dom, messages } from '@artevelde-uas/canvas-lms-app';

export default function () {
    // ...

Alternatively, you could add them with the following option:

import somePlugin from '@some-org/plugin';

addPlugin(somePlugin, { classicPlugin: true });

(Beware that support for older plug-ins will be removed in the future.)



  • canvas-lms-app-1.5.0-npm.tgz

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