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react-components 0.4.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @b1-systems/react-components@0.4.0
Install via package.json:
"@b1-systems/react-components": "0.4.0"

About this version

Component documentation

The following components are available:


A standard MUI AppBar with the following props:

  • menuEntries (incompatible with menuOnClick): If a non-empty array is passed it will be used to populate a Menu inside a Popover which is attached to a menu button on the top left. Not all properties of the MenuEntry type are already supported yet, take a look at the demo application for exact details.

  • menuOnClick(): void (incompatible with menuEntries): Pass your own function to execute whenever the menu button is clicked.

    Note: If none of the above props is passed no menu button will be rendered at all

  • logoutAction(): void: If passed a logout button is shown in the top right and the passed function will be called onClick.

  • applicationTitle: A string or styled ReactNode to display the title of your application. Use the latter approach if you want it to be a link or add an icon.

  • helpLink: An optional URL which will be opened in a new tab when the help icon, only shown if any value is passed, is clicked.

  • notificationHistory: An optional object with following props to show a history of all notifications in the top right. Requires the component to be inside a Toastyfier:

    • pastNotifications: Translation of "Past notifications"
    • noNotificationsYet: Translation of "No notifications yet"
    • createdAtFormat(createdAt: number): string: Function to format the timestamps (milliseconds) of the past notifications
  • languageMenu: An optional object to enable a language menu in the top right:

    • changeLanguage: Optional string to show inside the tooltip of the icon button, defaults to 'Change language'
    • entries: Array of available languages, the value of display will be shown
    • currentLanguage: The key of the active language at the time of rendering, future changes will be tracked internally
    • onLanguageChange(key: string):void: Will be called with the key of the selected Language
    • showCurrentLanguageInsteadOfIcon: If passed the display prop of the currently selected language will be shown instead of the generic icon

Notification handling

A wrapper around react-hot-toast to render them as MUI Alerts and to provide a notification history.

To show notifications you need to encapsulate your components inside a Toastyfier provider component. It takes the following props, of which most are directly passed through to a Toaster:

  • position: Where to show the notifications
  • gutter: Gap between each notification/toast
  • slideDirection (optional, not from react-hot-toast): In which directions the notifications should leave the screen. If not passed the default is chosen based on position.
  • reverseOrder (optional): Whether to show the most recent notification at the bottom
  • containerStyle (optional): Add additional CSS to every notification. Please notice that we set a default top-margin of 80 if you pass any top-* position to show the notifications below our Topbar. If you pass any custom styles via this prop this will not be applied and you have to manage everything yourself.

Inside a Toastyfier you have access to the useToasty() hook which gives you access to the following functions:

  • toasty: Main function to show or dismiss notifications. Either call it directly with a severity of your choice or use one of the helper functions (toasty.{success,info,warning,error}). Pass {close: true} to enable a manual dismiss/close action on the notification.
  • pastNotifications: An array of past notifications which is used to populate the Popover inside the Topbar.

Confirmation dialog

Creating a confirmation dialog over and over in different components can become very frustrating since they are usually very similar to each other. Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply pass your message and callback functions to a hook and let it handle the dialog rendering, etc.? ConfirmationDialog and useConfirmationDialog to the rescue!

First you insert a ConfirmationDialog somewhere up in your component hierarchy which takes the following props:

  • cancel: Text to display on the Cancel button
  • confirm: Text to display on the Confirm button
  • title (optional): A default title

Inside a child component you have access to the useConfirmationDialog() hook which gives you access to the confirm() function which you call with an object:

  • onConfirm(): Promise<any>: Function to call if the user clicked the Confirm button. Once the promises finishes either successful or with an error (we use .finally) the dialog closes. As long as onConfirm is running both buttons, Cancel and Confirm, are disabled and a spinner is shown on top of the latter. The code has been taken from here.
  • msg: Text or ReactNode containing your message/question, e.g. "Really delete the contract?"
  • onCancel(): Promise<any> (optional): Function to call if the user either clicked the Cancel button or outside of the dialog to dismiss it. The dialog closes once it has run through.
  • title (optional): Title of the dialog, overrides the value passed to ConfirmationDialog

Directory layout

Do not remove the index.js symlink, it's what makes make libbuild-dev possible in the first place. See for a short explanation.



  • react-components-0.4.0.tgz

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