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zalopay-nodejs / 0.2.0

zalopay-nodejs 0.2.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @zalopay-oss/zalopay-nodejs@0.2.0
Install via package.json:
"@zalopay-oss/zalopay-nodejs": "0.2.0"

About this version

ZaloPay Node.js SDK

The ZaloPay Node SDK provides convenient access to the ZaloPay API from applications written in server-side JavaScript or TypeScript.



npm i @zalopay-oss/zalopay-nodejs


// Step 1: Import the parts of the module you want to use
const {
} = require("@zalopay-oss/zalopay-nodejs");

// Step 2: Initialize the ZaloPay client object with your merchant information
const client = new ZaloPayClient({
    appId: "your_app_id",
    key1: "your_key_1",
    key2: "your_key_2",
    callbackUrl: "your_default_callback_url",
    env: "sandbox",

// Step 3: Initialize the API object, eg: Tokenization API
const tokenizationAPI: TokenizationAPI = new TokenizationAPI(client);

// Step 4: Create the request object
const request: AgreementBindRequest = {
    app_id: 0,
    app_trans_id: "",
    binding_type: BindingTypeEnum.Wallet,
    callback_url: "",
    identifier: "",
    mac: "",
    max_amount: 0,
    redirect_deep_link: "",
    redirect_url: "",
    req_date: 0,
    binding_data: ""

// Step 5: Make the request
    .then(bindResponse => console.log(bindResponse))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Step 1: Import the parts of the module you want to use

Use the Node.js require function to load the ZaloPayClient and API objects. For the name of the API objects, see API Explorer.

For example, to use the Tokenization API:

const { ZaloPayClient, TokenizationAPI } = require("@zalopay-oss/zalopay-nodejs");

Step 2: Initialize the client object

Initialize the client object, passing the following:

  • appId, key1, key2: The merchant keys you registered from the Merchant Portal
  • callbackUrl: The url that you want ZaloPay return after processing some APIs.
  • env: For the test environment, use sanbox. For the live environment, use production.

For example:

const client = new ZaloPayClient({
    appId: "your_app_id",
    key1: "your_key_1",
    key2: "your_key_2",
    callbackUrl: "your_default_callback_url",
    env: "sandbox",

Step 3: Initialize the API object

Initialize the API object you want to use, passing the client object from the previous step.

For example, to use the Tokenization API:

const tokenizationAPI: TokenizationAPI = new TokenizationAPI(client);

Step 4: Create the request object

Create the request object. For example, for a request to the /v2/agreement/bind endpoint:

const request: AgreementBindRequest = {
    app_id: 0,
    app_trans_id: "",
    binding_type: BindingTypeEnum.Wallet,
    callback_url: "",
    identifier: "",
    mac: "",
    max_amount: 0,
    redirect_deep_link: "",
    redirect_url: "",
    req_date: 0,
    binding_data: ""

Step 5: Make the request

Use the API object's method to make the request. For example, to make a request to the /v2/agreement/bind endpoint using the TokenizationAPI object:

    .then(bindResponse => console.log(bindResponse))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));





  • zalopay-nodejs-0.2.0.tgz

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